Status: These story's I write are here to entertain you and to bring smiles onto your pretty faces....enjoy:)

Best Friends...It's What You Promised?

The treatment

I finally woken up to Nick kissing my cheek. "I looked up and saw he was very serious. "What's wrong Nick? I asked yawning." We have an hour until you get treated. He said quite upset. "I slowly got up and went into the closet and changed into red basketball short and black Elvis costellos shirt and converse."
Nick stood up and walked up to me and hugged me. "I love you. He said." I love you too. Nick I said back. "Mrs. Jonas came into my room with Frankie." You guys ready to go? She asked.

"We both nodded and headed downstairs." I saw Joe talking to his father and he's father didnt look to happy. "Mr. Jonas looked at me and slowly walked up to me." You guys ready? He asked.
"We all nodded." We all finally headed toward the limo and got in.
"We all headed toward the center it was quiet." Nick looked at me. "Kevin texted me saying he wish he could be here with us. Nick said." I know, but there's nothing we can do. I said.

"20 mins later we finally made it to the parking lot." I sighed and got out. "Nick wrapped his arm around me and Joe grabbed my other hand and we all headed inside." We walked up to the desk and signed in. "The nurse looked at me." which one is going for treatment? She asked nicely. "Nick pointed at me and she motioned me to a room." I sat down on a chair and watched a lady talk to a doctor. "A couple mins later a guy came in."

"Hello I'm doctor Tim and I'll be your doctor for the next few years. He said." What kind of treatment is she going to get? Mr. Jonas said." The doctor looked at him. "their are many types of varies of drugs depending on the type of cancer someone has. The doctor said."
-The doctor continued talking-
"there are hundreds of different chemo drugs and each one is different. Some can be taken as a tablet at home, and others are given through an intravenous drip in your arm (usually as an outpatient) at hospital. The doctor said." so what kind of treatment will she get? Mrs. jonas asked again. "She will be getting the intravenous drip through I.v. The doctor said."

A nurse came in and had a cart with her. "I am going to give you the I.v right now. She said setting everything up." She wrapped a rubber thing around my arm and looked for a vein. "You have tiny veins. she said sighing." she finally found one and wiped an alcohol pad on the spot. "you'll feel a slight pinch she said in 3...2...1... She finally stuck the needle in my arm and set up a bag of liquid next to me." I watched as the water dripped.

"I am bored already. I said sighing." Everyone chuckled. "So will this make me her sick in anyway? Mrs. Jonas asked." the doctor looked at her a nodded. "Yeah, she will be Vomating in the next few hours. The nurse said." Joe scrunched up his nose up in disbelief. "Eww that's gross. Joe said." Everyone frowned at him in disbelief. "Joesph! Mrs. Jonas Frowning at her son." it's okay. Mrs. Jonas I said. "i yawned and leaned back Into my chair."

The doctor came in. "You have to go to radiation in a few minutes. The doctor said." I raised my eyebrow how? I thought I was only going to do this? I asked "The doctor frowned, I know but your cancer is different then most people's. He said." We will get into the radiation when you start getting sick. He said. "30 mins later. Nicks phone went off." He stared at it, but answered it.

"Hello? Nick said." Hey Nick you need toget down to the studio like now. The studio owner said. "I can't my girlfriend is getting cancer treatment radiation right now. Nick said frustrated." Oh, I am so sorry the guy said on the phone, but your album is really important. "Nick sighed in anger." Fine I'll be there in a few mins. Nick said. "I looked at Nick." Where you going? I asked. "Nick sighed and put both hands on my face." I am so sorry, i have to go to the studio. Nick said. "Joe stood up and pulled Nick aside away from everyone's point a view." Bro you can't leave Sarah here she needs you. Joe said. "Nick sighed, I know but our job is very important I have to go. Nick said sighing with more anger."

Joe nodded I'll keep her company until you get back. Joe said. "Thanks bro. Nick said looking back at me." He walked up to me and kissed me. "tears started going down my face." please don't cry. Nick said wipping my tears away with his thumb. "I'll be right back as soon as i can. Nick said." Nick left the room in a hurry. "I turned back to my family and all of a sudden just threw up." The family look at me with sympathy. "The nurse rushed over to me and started cleaning up." It's okay sweetie let's get you some new clothes and a bed. "Joe looked at me with sympathy." I got up and went into the bathroom and changed into one of this robes.

"I went back in and and two guy nurses came in rolling in a bed."
I walked up to the bed and layed down. "Here is a bucket if you get sick again. The nurse said." I grabbed the bucket an layed down. "I looked at Joe." Joe walked up to me and sat down on the bed with me. "I leaned on joe." I am tired I said. "How about I lay down and you can lay on me? Joe said." I nodded and sat up. "Joe layed back and I layed on him closing my eyes."

A few mins later Jessy came into the room and saw Mr. and MRs. Jonas sitting there. "hey sorry it took me so long it was a long flight. Jeasy said." it's okay mrs. Jonas said. "Hows sarah doing? Jessy asked laying down some flowers." She's at the throwing up stage. Mr. Jonas said. "Jessy walked in and saw me and Joe laying on the bed." She walked up to us. "Hey babe, jessy said to Joe." Joe opened his eyes and saw jessy. "Hey babe joe said." is she okay? Jessy asked staring at me. "Joe looked at me." She's fine joe whispered, she just sleeping right now.

"Where is Nick? Jessy asked." He's in the studio it was an emercency. Joe said. "I opened my eyes and grabbed the bucket and puked all in it." Joe rubbed my back. "It's okay lay back down Cuteness. Joe said." Mrs. Jonas looked up. "Joe Kevin and dani are on their way. Mrs. Jonas said." Joe nodded and smiled at jessy. "I missed you. Joe said." I miss you too. Jessy said. "I turned over and sighed." Joe looked at his parents. "This is going to be a long day. He said." His parents nodded in agreement....
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Heres another chapter. I hope you like it. Love Sarah xoxo