Status: These story's I write are here to entertain you and to bring smiles onto your pretty faces....enjoy:)

Best Friends...It's What You Promised?

The fight

remembrance: "He raised an eyebrow at me." I looked at him all innocently. "oops I said" Joe walks over to the fridge and pulls out another can of whip creme I looked at him with wided eyes "Joey? I said" he looked at me with an evil smirk " Joey mine was an accident., but before I could say anything else he sprayed me with the can I had whipcreme all over me I stared at him intensively. "What's going on in there Kevin said from the living room." I grabbed the chocolate syrup and smiled then started squirting joe he starts laughing and squirts me back. "Kevin get up and sees what's going on. Kevin stares at us with wide eyes. Kevin starts bursting out laughing." Joe runs up to me and starts hugging me getting chocolate all over me "Joe" "Joe" No!! I said laughing. "Nick looks through the bar staring at joe and i wondering whats going on." Kevin was just sitting in a chair by the kitchen table watching us. Okay guys kevin said laughing. "I stop what I was doing and looked at Kevin, Yes big brother? I asked" time for you guys to hose off in the backyard. Okay we said. "Joe looks at me want a ride? he asks" I look at him and nod, I jump on his back and he slowly makes his way through the kitchen and makes his way toward the back entrance. I stood outside while joe fetched for the hose. "Nick got up from the couch and made his way toward the kitchen." Miley was paying no attention what's so ever she was to busy on her phone. Kevin was staring outside looking at joe and I. "Hey Kevin? Nick said" Yeah bro? Kevin said back. "Something is different about Sarah and Joe. said Nick" Why do you think that? Kevin ask kinda confused like. "Well they are always around each other and never leaving each others side? Nick said" Well don't you remember that's how you and Sarah were like a month ago. Well, before you started dating Miley things have been different. Kevin said more like implied with a serious face. "Well I have been busy Nick said scratching the back of his head." We know bro Kevin said laughing. You're usually at the studio or with Miley. it was quiet for a while. Nick knew it was true, but all of a sudden Nick yells: "I have an idea he brightens up. Why don't you guys come with me to the studio tomorrow?" Sure bro! We will be glad to come with you. Kevin said. But hey? What time should we all get up? Kevin asked. "hmm, well knowing Sarah she gets up at noon, but this time we should leave around 10 a.m. Nick said shaking his head laughing." But I do not call waking up Sarah I don't want to get jumped on. Kevin said with a scared look on his face. "Nick nods his head in agreement." we will make Joe do it. Nick said, before he opened the back door to tell us the news. "Hey guys Nick said." Yeah? We both say at the same time. I look at joe and gasps "Jinxs!! I said laughing" Joe was wided eyed and runs trying to find a piece of wood to knock on but he trips over a swim floaty and falls face first. I burst out laughing, smooth Joey I said. I look at Nick "you may continue As I look up at him with a smile" Well you guys can come with me to the studio tomorrow if you want? TOTALLY! I said very loudly. I run up to Nick and hug him. "Well awesome Nick said smiling down at me as he hugs me back not caring if my clothes are getting him wet." Alright Sarah Kevin says Time for a shower then go to bed because it was late. "Alright night guys I said giving them all hugs and did just that."
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well here you go no cliffhanger, but the next chapter might be more interesting the story gets more interesting trust me more drama it should be fun! ^_^ my bestfriend should be coming into my story, but idk when i havnt figured it out yet. well comment subscribe you know what to do:)) love Sarah xoxo