Survival Camp


April 23, 2012
Late Morning

"N-No!" I shouted as a yellow school bus painted blue became finer in my line of vision. The white characters on the side became more ledgeable to me.

'Juvenile Correctional Program'

Those three words made me want to run and that's not saying I didn't try. But the two camp consolers, who were guiding me toward the bus, grabbed my arms and pulled me onto the bus.

"T-There must be some kind of mistake!" I shouted as I struggled with them.

"There's no mistake. Take a seat." the one on my right said.

I realized all the other kids already on the bus were watching me like hawks. But I didn't care. I didn't belong on this bus and I was going to try everything I could to get off.

"You don't understand! I'm a good kid!"

"Your Uncle seems to think differently."

"My Uncle?! My Uncle's a freakin' liar!" I practically shouted.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, take a seat." the guy on my right said darkly before he shoved me forward.

I sighed before my eyes scanned the open seats, there weren't many left.

I walked up to one of the two girls on the bus and smiled at her, "C-Can I sit here?" I questioned.

She looked up at me with a bored expression on her face, "Try it and I cut you." she said.

"I-I'll find somewhere else." I stuttered before I moved on toward the back of the bus where one guy sat and several seats were open.

The guy at the back of the bus shook his head at me, "Don't even think about it."

"B-But you're not even sitting there." I said quickly.

"I said no." he said darkly.

"O-Okay." I said quietly as I turned around.

But there weren't any more seats... Well, there were but they were all next to scary looking people.

I felt as someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me down which caused me to gasp. I looked up at the person next to me to see it was one of the guys who scared me the most.

He wore all black and a silver studded belt around his waist along with a studded bracelet around one wrist and a black bandanna around the other. His hair was black and a little longer than shoulder length, spiked up in some parts in the back and he also wore a black bandanna on his head. He had this vibe about him that he could be one kick ass drummer if he was in a band...I bet he wasn't though. He looked too cool to be in a band.

"Sit here and don’t make eye contact with anyone." the guy instructed.

"N-Not even you?" I questioned.

"We'll see." came his reply and I nodded slowly. "So...first time getting caught?" he questioned.

"Getting caught for what?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever you did wrong."

"But I didn't do anything wrong."

He silently chuckled at me, "You can't play innocent anymore. You've already been caught."

"Listen here you maggots!" one of the councilors shouted from the front of the bus. "Now that everyone invited has boarded the bus we will be leaving for our destination. We will be in this bus for three and a half glorious hours. There will be no restroom stops so if you need to pee you better freaking hold it. I don't care if you ask; we're not going to stop for you."

It wasn't until that moment I realized there was a cage separating the driver's seat and the front row from the rest of the bus...and the camp councilors were on the other side of it.

"There will be no running, jumping, screaming, pushing, shoving, shanking, ect. If I see any misconduct on this bus you will all be punished when we reach our destination." the camp councilor finished before he sat down in the front row while the other guy settled down in the driver's seat and started the engine.

"How come I didn't notice that before?" I mumbled.

"Notice what?" the guy next to me questioned.

"That iron door that traps us in here if there's a fire." I replied.

He chuckled, "Y'know, you're kind of funny."

"Thanks?" I answered, a little unsure if whether that was meant to be a compliment or not.

He sighed, "When you become getting caught like me you learn to check out everything around you no matter where you go. That way if you end up over your head you know where your exits are."

I nodded. This guy seemed smart enough.

"If you won't let me make eye contact with you will you at least tell me you name?" I asked.

The guy next to me burst out laughing, making everyone in front of us on our side of the gate turn and look directly at us. Some of them were glaring.

"I was kidding when I said you couldn't look at me." he finally said, "But I wasn't when I said it about the others."

"Oh." I said quietly.

"I'm Christian, by the way, but I go by CC." he said.

"It's nice to meet you, but I wish the circumstances were different." I said.

"Are you going to tell me your name?" CC questioned.

"Oh right." I said as I blushed for forgetting to tell him my name, "I'm Tara."

"So Tara, what did you do to end up on this bus?" CC questioned.

I was silent for a moment before I sighed and answered, "Honestly, I don't know."


A few hours later, I jumped awake and realized the bus must have just hit a major pot hole...or that coyote that always chases the road runner.

I glanced at CC to see he was leaning his head against the window and staring out at nothing in particular.

But it wasn't like he really had a choice. It seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere; wilderness in every direction.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

CC snapped out of his stare and thought about my question for a moment before he replied, "About an hour and a half, I guess."

"Oh." I said as I looked forward. I noticed two guys a couple rows ahead who were staring at me.

One seemed to have a kind face and a beautiful smile. Some things a front man in a band really should have to stand out. The other had his long black hair standing straight up on end in a mohawk sort of style which was probably a good thing because if his hair was down, I probably would have pegged him as a girl...Is that a bad thing?

"W-Why are they staring at me?" I asked quietly.

CC looked up at the guys before a small smile graced his lips, "That's Andy and Ashley. They're my boys. They got busted with me and two other guys and we all got sent to this program together."

"So...they're not going to jump me because I'm sitting with you, right?" I asked silently.

"What? Oh God no!" CC said as he chuckled, "They're just curious is all. When we get off this damn bus I'll introduce you."

"They're not going to...creep me the hell out?" I questioned again.

"They won't if I tell them not to." CC replied.

"Fantastic." I muttered.
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Keep or Kill?