I Wish.

And I'm in Riddles

As soon as I had opened that door, I had known there was something very different about this girl.
Something about the look in her eyes...different.
I could tell she liked me - not in the like like kind of way, just in the...perve kind of way. Most girls seem to, whether they're One Direction fans or not. Probably because of my flawless complexion and luscious locks.
And people laugh at all the water I drink.
She sort of just stared at me when I first introduced myself (can't really blame her) but not too far into the short half hour we were given with her she relaxed and...she was amazing.
"Dude, you did not call dibs!" Louis challenged, punching me in the arm.
"I so did! Kinda..." the rest of the band turned to face me patronizingly, and I rolled my eyes back at them. "Fine. Whatever. You didn't call dibs either!"
"At least I'm not pretending I did!"
"Hey, hey, guys...c'mon. She obviously wanted a taste of the liamnator." Liam interrupted our bantering, smirking and folding his arms behind his head.
"Bugger off, Liam! She's mine for Christ's sake..." I retaliated in annoyance.
Zayne grinned and looked away from his reflection in the glass for a few seconds. "Guys, she's probably seriously friend-zoned you all already anyway."
We all paused and looked around at each other, briefly considering the fact that she might not go for any of us.
"Zayne." Louis began, patting our Arabian co-singer on the shoulder. "We're One Direction. Chicks dig One Direction. 'Friend-zoning' and 'One Direction' don't belong in a sentence that is structured that way."
Zayne shook his head and returned to re-arranging his hair.
I glanced down at the scribbled number on a ripped piece of paper that I clutched in my hand. "Let's just hang out with her or something first...I mean, she'd be all good as just a friend,"
Louis nodded, "yeah, and only one of us could have her anyway..."
"Challenge accepted" teased Liam, grinning cheekily and ducking when Louis threw a pillow at him.
"hmwabootmmmgz?" Niall asked.
The four blank faces said more than any confused replies could have, so he swallowed his massive mouthful of cupcake (I would personally prefer water) and tried again.
"What about me? Do you think she might have liked me?"
I do feel bad for Niall sometimes. He's kind of like the lost puppy of our group.
Now, don't get me wrong - Niall definitely isn't the mangy, diseasey stray type lost puppy; it's just that sometimes, in a similar way to how fame and money makes the rest of us shine, it kind of hold Niall back, hides him.
"You saw her for what...like, 2 seconds?" Liam asked, laughing.
"2 and a half." Muttered Niall, picking at the icing of a second cupcake.
"Allgood Niall." Louis said, leaning back in his chair. "You'll get another chance to meet her."
"Yeahh," Niall nibbled at the edge of his cupcake, keeping his eyes down. "I don't mind, you guys can have her."
I flicked my lustrous hair across my face, watching Niall's mouth engulf an entire cupcake with one bite. "Well..." I sighed, placing Sophia's number on the table. "You never know how it will turn out."