30 Ways to Impress a Girl.


Violet Van De Ville lived with her mother ever since she was two. Her father still stayed in contact and she visited him every Christmas and he came to see her every Birthday. They had an unbreakable father-daughter bond that anyone would be jealous of. Unfortunately, Violet never knew what her father really was as he abandoned her one day saying "Daddy no more." It was a day before her 13th birthday, too.

Violet watched her mother go threw several relationships that never lasted because the man would turn out a bad guy. She moved from her hometown to a small town and then to even smaller towns for these guys. Her mother and her were close, because she's the only parent in her life that loves her and cares for her. They have an unbreakable mother-daughter relationship also.

Violet was never bitter about men, she just had a lot of distrust in them. Her first boyfriend was in a small remote town where her mother moved for another guy. His name was Jack and she only liked him, not loved him. The boy said to her that he loved her and Violet, not knowing what else to say, said that she loved him too. But, during a lot of fights, arguments and tears - they broke up, but still remained friends. Violet then found out that he asked her out for a joke.

Once her mother broke up with this guy again, we moved to a different house - 20 streets away so she didn't have to see his face again. They remained acquainted, though. He came around only to mow the lawn every now and then and her mother repaid him with a carton of alcohol that he liked.

Violet never thought of herself as gay or bisexual. But she dated a girl once and felt feelings towards her that she hadn't felt before. It was new and exciting to her. The first time they went out on a date, they kissed underneath the fireworks and it was really magical. She thought she loved Montana, but she never did. Sadly, a week before their one year anniversary, Violet broke up with Montana. But they still remained and still are to this very day, the best of friends. Montana has a new boyfriend that loves her just as she loves him. Violet is very happy for her best friend.

Two years since her last two relationships before this guy came along when herself and her mother moved again into a small-ish city. They actually knew each other ever since she went to the same school in 2008. But, never talked and got to know one another. He thought her a goody-two-shoes and crazy and weird. And Violet thought he was nerdy and weird.

One night when Violet was on Facebook, just scrolling through the news feed bored at 1am. A message on chat popped up to the right of the screen, she stared at the name for awhile contemplating whether she should reply or not. All he said was hi - so Violet said hi back. For awhile, at least a month, they began talking to each other till the early hours of the morning. He seemed shy as he didn't ask many questions - Violet was the one asking so many questions, she even asked if she was annoying him. But all he said was no with a smiley face.

Violet, still friends with Jack and Montana told her best friends that she had a crush on Quinton. Jack was like, you two would be cute and Montana was aww-ing. Violet just blushed and then thought about him all the time. She even started saying hi to him at school whenever she saw Quinton. He would shyly say hi back and that would make her smile into a grin. She thought him as a very cute boy.

In person, Quinton and Violet never talked to each other. They would be silent and never speak a word. Both were nervous and shy around each other - but they always talked over Facebook. It was the easiest for both of them.

Quinton had long, light sun-burnt auburn hair that covered his face a lot. He had freckles and he did have quite a few blemishes. But to Violet, she liked that about him. He was tall, really tall. He towered over her small 5"4 frame with his 6"4 frame. He was only fifteen, too!
Jack asked Violet to ask Quinton to come and chill with her, Jack and Montana on a Wednesday. But, he never came on the bus. Violet was a little disappointed, but he said that he slept in and felt very sorry. Violet was okay, then and messaged him all day on her phone via Facebook.

That night, on May 18th 2011 Wednesday, Violet was talking to her friend Zack and Miki. Violet was going to tell Quinton that she liked him, but she was so scared and nervous that he wouldn't like her, so she had support from her friends. When she didn't reply for awhile, Quinton had asked her what she was doing. Violet said that she was talking to Zack about some things and he had asked her if she liked Zack. Violet said no and said that she liked someone else. He asked who and after a lot of procrastination Violet had admitted that she liked him. Quinton said he liked her, too and then asked her to be his. Violet was so happy that she squealed.

The next day at school was the most awkward. Quinton and Violet's friends were there giving them big smiles and cheeky winks. Violet had sat beside Quinton and everyone was asking them when they would talk to one another. When they all went to class, it was just the two of them. He had asked her what class she had next and she said English. He had Math.

Violet had been impressed by his overcoming his shy manner by asking her what class she had.
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First installment. :)

Yes, this is based on a true story. I haven't got it as a true story because I'll be leaving some things out and putting some better things in.

This will be 30 chapters, so if you like please comment and subscribe.

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