I Spent My High School Career Spit on and Shoved to Agree

Chapter Eleven

Gerard’s point of view:

Okay, so I can come up with a perfectly reasonable explanation for anything slightly weird that happened last night, an explanation that proves I’m totally straight. Which I am.

Yeah, so when I was sitting in the dark of the cinema next to Frank, watching zombies mutate their victims and he leaned over to whisper “You scared?”, his warm breath against my neck… the goose bumps that spread down my spine? It was because of all the blood on the screen. And I’m not a big fan of blood.

The time where we both reached into the bag of popcorn, my fingers touching his smooth, warm ones…the way I got all shivery? It was because it was pretty cold in the cinema and I was scared. Yeah.

And when I felt myself getting ever so very slightly turned on, it was because of the…uh…oh so sexy zombies? No, wait…

“GEE?” Mikey’s yell interrupts my thoughts and for once I’m almost grateful.

“Yeah?” I shout back, sitting up on my bed where I’ve been lounging, listening to AMEN and thinking non-gay thoughts.

“Do you wanna use the laptop or should I switch it off?”

“I leave it on please Mikes- I’ll be down in a sec.” I call, switching off my CD player and making my way downstairs to and into the kitchen. Hopefully Rosanna is online…I could do with asking her advice on a couple of things.

I make myself a mug of coffee and sit down at the laptop on the kitchen table.

Taking a sip of the blessed, black caffeine, I log into my usual chatroom.


Rosanna666: hey Gee, you okay?

Putting the coffee down, I type a quick reply, grateful she’s online.

CoffeeAddict13: yeah guess so. You?

Rosanna666: Yep I’m good thanks :P what’s up?

CoffeeAddict13: I’m going crazy.

Rosanna666: you already were crazy.

CoffeeAddict13: haha I know! But more…

Rosanna666: tell me!!

CoffeeAddict13: well, it’s just- have you ever been with someone and whenever you touch or they whisper something in your ear you gat all…tingly..

Rosanna666: ummm yeah.

CoffeeAddict13: oh thank god! I’m not as insane as I thought I was! :D

Rosanna666: this was with my boyfriend BTW.

Shit. Fucking SHIT!! What the fucking hell is wrong with me?!
I take an unintentionally large gulp of coffee and choke.

CoffeeAddict13: oh

Rosanna666: this was with little frankiekins wasn’t it?

CoffeeAddict13: no

Rosanna666: you’re a shit liar lol

CoffeeAddict13: I’m not lying!!

Rosanna666: yeah right! Look Gee, if you stop lying to yourself, you might actually be a lot happier!

CoffeeAddict13: I am happy.

Rosanna666: lmfao

CoffeeAddict13: I am!!!

Rosanna666: it’s so obvious you like him,Gee!!

CoffeeAddict13 has signed out

“Argggh!” I cry in frustration, slamming the laptop shut.
It’s official; I’m insane. But I’m still NOT GAY.


Frank’s point of view:

It’s Saturday lunchtime and I’m slouching round the house, listening to Black Flag on my ipod and daydreaming about Gerard.

Mom’s out all day, so I’ve got the place to myself; so far I’ve eaten a peanut butter and honey sandwich (imagining Gerard eating it with his soft, pink lips…), watched a trashy romantic movie (picturing me and Gerard in it…) and sat by the phone, chewing my nails and wondering about calling Gerard to see if he wants to hang out, but at the same time not wanting to seem needy.
since when did i become such a girl?!

Just as I’m wondering how the hell I’m going to survive a whole day without seeing Gerard, the phone rings.

I sprint towards it, vaulting the coffee table on the way.

“Hello?” I say hopefully, willing it to be Gerard’s voice that replies.

“Hey Frank.” My heart sinks a little; it’s Mikey.

“Oh hey Mikey. What’s up?”

“Not much really. You doing anything later?”


“Well do you wanna come to Ray’s party tonight then? His parents are away this weekend so he’s having some friends over.”

“Oh…yeah that would be cool! Who else is going?”

“Uhhh… Ray’s friend Bob, Bob’s friends Richard, Ellie and Katie, Katie’s friend Charlotte and Gerard, if I can get him to go!” Mikey laughs.

There’s a little pause.



I take a deep breath. “Is Gerard…okay?”

“Why do you ask?”

“He just seemed a little…strange last night at the movies.”

Mikey sighs. “Don’t worry about him Frank- he’s just being an idiot.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s just not being honest with himself.”


“Don’t worry Frank, he’ll see sense soon enough. I hope!” Mikey chuckles darkly. “Anyway I’ve gotta go now- I need to wake up Gee and persuade him to come to this party! Can you come and call for us about half seven, so we can walk to Ray’s together?”

“Sure.” I say.

“Cool, see you later Frank.”

“’kay, Bye.”


Gerard’s point of view:

Tiny snowflakes swirl through the air as I stand in a pretty forest with Frank, mistletoe tied the silvery birch tree we’re standing under.

“I love you Gee.” Frank says, taking my hand in his, his big dark eyes full of warmth.

“I love you too Frankie…” I reply, squeezing his hand.


I lean forward to capture Frank’s soft, full lips, red from the cold, with my own…


“What’s wrong Frankie?” I ask as Frank pulls away when I’m just centimetres away from his irresistible lips. “I love you.”


I stroke the smooth ivory skin of his cheek.


My eyes snap open.

I’m stroking the cheek of a wide eyed Mikey, who’s standing over my bed. I drop my hand immediately.

Wait…was I just dreaming about…FRANK...?

“Fuck, sorry Mikey.” I mutter. “I was dreaming about –uh- a girl.”

“Nice try.” Mikey smirks.

“What do you mean?” I mumble, yawning.

“I heard you!”

“Heard me?”

“Ooooh! Fwankieee I lurveee yooou!” He mimics.

I can feel my cheeks turning bright pink.

“I-“ I protest.

It is perfectly natural to have dreams about your friends, right?

“Shut up Gee! I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses.”

“They aren't path- I mean, they aren't excuses!” I scowl.

“Whatever. Anyway, the reason I came to wake you up is to tell you you’re coming to Ray’s party with me and Frank tonight. I know you don’t like parties, but this one’s gunna be fun, okay?”

“Not going.” I say stubbornly, not wanting to face another night out with…certain people who make my spine tingle for perfectly NON-GAY reasons.

“Yes you are, Gee.”

“No I’m not.”



“Yes you ARE, otherwise a certain person might find out about a certain dream of yours…” Mikey says slyly.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go!” I grumble.

Fucking Mikey.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so much to everyone who's commented...You rock! Hope you liked this chapter....Comments? :D I'll update as soon as I can, and thanks for reading!

Lucy X_O