I Spent My High School Career Spit on and Shoved to Agree

FRERARD! Gerard is dreading starting a new school, but when he meets fellow misfit, Frank Iero, things seem to take a turn for the better...
  1. Chapter One
    Walking Cliches, Lateness, and Stupidly Optimistic Headmasters...
  2. Chapter Two
    Meet Frank...
  3. Chapter Three
    Stuttering, Blushing, and Introductions...
  4. Chapter Four
    The risks of arm-wrestling, Bad timing and Irked teachers...
  5. Chapter Five
    Infuriating siblings, Boring headmasters and...Could this be...Denial?
  6. Chapter Six
    Hysterical Mikey, Blushing Frank and even more blushing Gerard...
  7. Chapter Seven
    Frank's realization...
  8. Chapter Eight
    Gerard speaks to Rosanna...
  9. Chapter Nine
  10. Chapter Ten
  11. Chapter Eleven
    Denial, Denial and, oh, more Denial...
  12. Chapter Twelve
    Ray's party...
  13. Chapter Thirteen
    Gerard's reaction...
  14. Chapter Fourteen
    Gerard being an idiot...
  15. Chapter Fifteen
  16. Chapter Sixteen
    Rainstorm Endings...