Status: im tRYING OKAY!1

Come Pick Me Up


"Kennedy, you idiot!"

"I know! I know! I'm Sorry!"

"Well sorry isn't going to get you anywhere, Trot."

"I'll make it up to-"

"Don't you dare tell me you'll make it up to me! How am I supposed to get there now?" To say that I was pissed off was an understatement. "You said you'll pick me up at 2:00 sharp and I'm here in the airport standing around like a bloody idiot! It's my first day back and you're already screwing it up!"

"I know. I'm sorry, Jules" He said to me in a calmer voice. "But I can't get out of this. John and I are this close to booking a huge venue and this could be huge for us."

"Well then how do you expect me to get there you little twit? I can't very well walk to your house, can I? For Christ's sake, you're the one who kept bugging me about coming back! Well here I am!"

"Look I already asked my friend, Garrett to pick you up. He should be there in a few minutes. He's got reddish brown hair, blue eyes, and he's probably wearing a shirt that's Star Wars related."

"Anything else? What car is he using? Where will he pick me up?" I was anxiously biting my nails. What if I get into the wrong car and get kidnapped or something?

"Just go out to the receiving bay and look for a guy who looks like Ryan Adams, in a stupid yellow car. Got it?"

"Got it." I slung my sports bag over my shoulder and walked over to the receiving bay.

"Can't wait to see you again, Jules!"

"I'll kick you in the bollocks when I see you." I hit the end button and waited for this 'Garrett' bloke to come.

It's been almost 5 years since I've been to sunny ol' Arizona. And Tempe has not changed a bit. The sun shown as bright as ever and it still felt like a billion degrees. I fanned myself using the neckline of my tank top as I waited for my ride. And right on cue, a yellow car pulled up in front of me. A guy wearing a black 'The Empire Strikes Back' shirt and black pants came out the driver's seat. He looked around the bay then his eyes landed on me. He just stood there, staring, and it's creeping me out.

"Take a picture, love. It'll last longer." I spat at him. Ok maybe that was a bit much, but it's hot and I just want to get to an air-conditioned area, fast.

"And you must be Julia." He smirked. I was surprised by his response. Most people would get scared off by my rudeness. "I'm Garrett. I play bass for The Maine with Kennedy. I'm also his roommate. Here, let me get that for you." Before I could respond, he slipped my bag off my shoulder and tossed it to the back seat. Well what do you know, he opened the passengers seat for me too. This bloke was quite the gentleman. I got in the seat and was welcomed by the coolness of the aircon.

"Mind turning up the AC, mate?" I asked as he started driving. He fiddled with the knobs and put in a CD. I let out an involuntary moan when the cool breeze touched my moist skin. I don’t remember, were we wild and young. All that’s faded into memory. I feel like somebody I don’t know. Are we really who we used to be? Am I really who I was? "Ryan Adams? Really?"

"What's wrong with Ryan Adams?" He asked defensively. It was funny the way his voice seemed to be a pitch high.

"Nothing, nothing." I assured him. "Just not my type of music."

"Well then what's your type of music?" He challenged.

"How about I just show you, yeah?" I dug in my pocket for my phone. It was hard cause my pocket is only two inches deep and my phone is squeezed in it. "Cruel bastards." I muttered. i finally got it out and plugged it into his stereo. I searched through the library, unable to decide which song to play first, I just chose 'shuffle'. You're not on my things to do, cos I've already done you. And I am protective, it's so cute, but only when it suits you. Is this all in vein? Can these words explain?

"Not too bad I guess. Kennedy's really into this type of music though"

"Who do you think introduced it to him?" I quirked an eyebrow up at him. At least you'll have nice thoughts of me, when I am cheating on you in your dreams. I've told you before my closet's clean, and that these bones don't belong to me.

"How angsty."

"I have a theory that at least half the songs on this album is all for his cheating ex."


"Made a fucking good album though."

"Must've really cut him up."

"I guess so." You hold me down by keeping me around. "But I think he's more angry and hurt that someone he gave his heart to did that to him, rather than being all mopey about the girl. He's over her but now he's just mad."

"Who wouldn't be?"

"Wouldn't know."

"Well it sucks."

"I take it you had a stupid slag cheat on that pretty face of yours?"

"You really think I'm pretty?" He batted his eyelashes at me.

"Absolutely lovely, darling." I pinched his cheeks.

"Why thank you kind mam'." He mused. Nobody said anything for a while. Around three songs have past until he spoke up again. "We were together since I was 14."

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"That 'slag' and I. We were together since we were 14. Her name is Rachael. We were lab partners in the 6th grade and I had a school boy crush ever since. 7th grade, I mustered up enough courage to ask her out. Took her out to Applebees using the money I've saved up a month before when I realized that I could've been in love with this girl. She was my first love, first kiss, first everything. Came back to from our last tour early one day, and I open the apartment to see her straddled on a guy on our couch. Hurt like a bitch but hey what could I do?" Nothing that's what.

"I'm sorry." It came out as a whisper.

"Not your fault she did it."

"Not about that." I faced him. "About bringing it up. I know how much of a bitch it is when people bring up things."

"S'alright." He pulled over at a familiar blue one story complex. "Well we're here." I stepped out of the car and squinted up at the sun.

"The blue is a nice touch."

"We got bored." He shrugged.

"So this is what you Americans do for fun? Paint houses?"

"Nah. Our group is just a fine and rare breed."

"I can tell." I noticed that there were other cars packed in the driveway. "I'm guessing it won't just be you and I." There was a sound of breaking glass coming from the inside, startling us both.

"Can you tell?" We both laughed. His blue eyes seemed to shine brighter under the sunlight. "Take a picture, love. It'll last longer." He mocked and made his way over to the house with my bag. I followed him in. Once I stepped foot past the front door, I was attacked with a bone-crushing hug.

"Whoa there, Trot! You're squeezing the life out of me." I laughed and hugged him back.

"Surrey's done you good."

"Arizona's done you nothing." I shook my head at him. He was literally the same scrawny git he was when he was 18. Five long years and he looked just as lanky as he did 5 inches ago. Someone cleared their throat from the couch.

"Kennedy, aren't you going to introduce us to this lovely lady that you have brought into your humble abode?" A bloke who had his arms sprawled out on the couch called out. He looked just as lanky as Kennedy was but taller. He had a long jaw and bright green eyes.

Kennedy gave the chap an exasperated looked then turned to me. "Guys, this is Julia. Julia, the guys. Sorry about John he-"

"-hits on anything that has boobs basically." The ginger continued. "I'm Jared."

"Hello there, Jared." I waved at the ginge.

"You have a really nice accent! Hi I'm Pat." 'Pat' was waving enthusiastically at me. "Here come sit beside me!" He scooted over then patted on the empty part of the couch. Seeing as I probably had no choice, I sat down beside him and Kennedy took a seat on the couch beside the ginge.

"What brings you here to good old Tempe?" The arrogant bloke named John asked me.

"Trotty over here mostly. I wouldn't hear the last of it if I didn't come within the next few months. He hasn't shut up about me visiting again."


"She's someone back from my John Trotter days." He glanced over to me. "The only one left actually." There was an awkward pause. Kennedy cleared his throat. "So you must've gotten some weird looks on the plane with your outfit."

"Yeah, I had a layover in London and everyone probably thought I was mad! It was probably almost 0 degrees, and I'm here wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts, with no jacket, like some kind of daft cow!" Everyone laughed at my story. The laughter died down in a few seconds and it was quiet again.

Garrett then came in the room and interrupted the silence.

"So- uh- we don't really have a guest room so uhm- you're going to stay in my room. But oh no! Not like that. I mean umm- yeah you'll be sleeping in my room but then- uh I'll be sleeping on the couch. Not- not that I wouldn't sleep with you- no! You're beautiful and all but I- I wouldn't umm want to take advantage of you like that, not unless you wanted me to of course- I mean uh sleep with you- not take advantage of you, no! I'm not like that at all-

"Go take a cold shower, Garrett. Calm the nerves." Kennedy suggested.

"Right, shower, good. Bye now." Garrett muttered to himself mostly then walked down the hall.

"Sorry about him. He's an awkward turtle and it takes a while for him to warm up to new people."

"Really? It didn't seem that way in the car ride over."

"What do you mean?" The guys were now all leaning over.

"I mean that he seemed perfectly at ease in the car. He even told me about his slag of an ex. Raquel I think was her name." I looked over at them and saw that their eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets.

"He told you about that she-devil?" John spoke up first.

"I take it that you lot aren't very fond of her."

"Understatement of the year, my friend." Ginge shook his head. No one spoke once again. These boys definitely have a knack of keeping up a conversation don't they?

"Well I gotta go help mom prepare dinner. Mind giving me a lift, Pat?" John stood up, almost knocking down a nearby lamp.

"Yeah sure. You need one to, JareBear?" Pat stretched.

"Thanks, appreciate it."

"Well you guys know where the door is."

"Always a welcoming host, you are." John teased.

"Bye, Julia!" They all called out as they walked out the front door.

"Bye, guys!" I shouted after them before the door slammed shut.

"Now Julia, enough with the bull shit. Why did you really come here?"
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HAAA okay this story has been in my head for a while and it feels REALLY good to let it out:P

So yeah Comment&Subscribe&Rec especially cause I really want to know what you think about the fic:D