The Mirror

Tuesday June 10th

Jools sat up bolt upright and looked around her room. No sign of Nathan, but the mirror was still there.
“Gahhh!!!” she screamed. “Stupid god-forsaken dreams!!” Jools looked at her clock.
“Damn it!!” she exclaimed realising her session with Dr. Whitbread started in about half an hour.

Running in the door way just in time, Jools saw Whitbread ushering Nathan into her office. Jools walked up to Whitbread.
“I’m here,” she said simply.
“Nathan’s first today,” Whitbread answered and closed the door on Jools’ face.
Jools stared at the closed door in disbelief.
‘What the hell? She thought to herself.’ She sat down in the waiting room.
A good hour later, Nathan emerged from the office, followed by Dr. Whitbread. Nathan seemed upset. His blue eyes sparkled with tears and his face was red.
He took a tissue from the box Whitbread was holding and thanked her. As he started walking out he threw a letter into Jools’ lap. She waited till he walked out to read it.

‘Meet me at Franco’s at 6 tomorrow night. I want to talk.’

Jools stared at the writing on the screwed up piece of paper lying in her lap. She folded it and shoved it in her pocket as she stood.
“Come, Jools,” Dr. Whitbread commanded.