The Mirror

Wednesday June 11th

Sitting inside Franco’s just before 6pm alone. Jools was confused. Why would Nathan, a new guy at her therapist, and a complete heartthrob want to talk to her? She checked her phone for the time. 6:02pm it read.
‘He’s not coming,’ she told herself. ‘Why would he? I mean… come on.’
It was then that she saw him. Walking through the door, there he was. His blue eyes reflecting the candle light that lit the room, his dark brown fringe that swept across his face, black baggie jeans that hit the floor and a hoodie that hung loosely at his shoulders. He came to the table and sat down.
“Waitress,” his voice rang out, making Jools sigh slightly. “Can I get two Colas here please?”
The waitress nodded and moved towards the bar.
“So, Nathan,” Jools said. “What is this about?”
“Whitbread told me about your dreams.”
“I thought they were supposed to be confidential. The sessions I mean.”
“Yeah. Supposed to be, but, Whitbread’s just stupid I guess. She went to get me some water and I nicked her papers.”
“Oh,” Jools said, impressed with the simplicity with which he stole the paperwork. “So, why are you interested in my mirror?”
“I don’t. The papers say you were dreaming about it,” Nathan said. “Have you dreamed about it recently?”
“Yes. Every night for the last week,” she explained. “They just differed slightly each night.”
“For example?” Nathan asked.
“Last night, you were in it. You touched the mirror and were somehow engulfed in a bright light and you vanished,” Jools went pink and looked up. Nathan was looking at her with his head tilted slightly.
“Can I see it?” Nathan asked after a few moments.
“I guess. Come over tomorrow after our sessions. Mum will be out till about 4 because she’s got work. I just won’t go to school.” She shrugged.
“Okay. See you then,” Nathan said smiling slightly. He got up, kissed Jools on the cheek and made his way out of the café.
Jools touched her cheek where he had kissed her. She smiled.

Jools stood with Nathan in front of the mirror.
“So?” he asked. “What are we doing?”
“We appear to be standing in front of a mirror,” she replied, sarcastically.
“Should we touch it?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you want to touch it?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Well, touch it.”
Jools moved her hand toward the mirror.
“Together?” she said. Nathan shrugged.
Nathan placed his hand on top of Jools’. The hands moved towards the mirror together. As the fingers came in contact with the surface of the mirror, Jools felt the light surround her. It wasn’t warm or cool. It was just a light. She looked to Nathan who was now holding onto her hand. He too was surrounded by the light. His eyes shut, most probably of fear of the unknown. The pair was then thrust into what appeared to be another world. It was a cave, with one single beam of light coming from one end.
“Open your eyes Nathan,” Jools told him and he did. He looked around with a baffled expression on his face.
“Hello?” a voice said from behind them. Jools turned around.