‹ Prequel: Blood Will Have Blood

Blood Will Have Vengeance

Get Out Alive

Matt's POV

"What do you mean, she isn't fucking there!?" Jazz barked into the phone. She paused, probably cutting off a distraught Brandon with her next words, "Well, we have to find her! She's not here, her room's a mess, and we have a damn vampire with a grudge out there! FIND HER!" she snarled before hanging up. She glared at me, Jimmy, and Johnny before raising her head. "Take me to your leader."

I shook my head at Johnny, who was ready to show her the way. Syn told us specifically to not bother him tonight.

Her piercing brown eyes flickered back to me, making me see her murderous state. "I said now," she growled lowly. "Unless you want me to see this as a breach of a truce and start throwing fists, someone had better take me to go see Syn NOW!"

Jimmy grinned uneasily. "Why don't you calm down?"

The fiery fury wasn't put out that easily. Her fists clenched at her sides as she sighed shakily, obviously trying to control her temper. "Why. Don't. You. Kiss. My. Ass?"

Johnny shook his head and started walking towards Syn's office. I grabbed Jazz and spun her around, thinly dodging a punch. I had to make sure what she was about to see wasn't going to piss her off anymore than it already has.

"We're interrupting something, so if you go in there and start this..temper tantrum, he's not going to be happy. Got it?"

She wrenched her hands away from me, glaring at me hatefully. "If he has nothing to do with it, then he has nothing to worry about," she spat. "Now get your filthy hands off of me before you regret ever seeing me."

Too late.

She stomped off towards Syn's office and as soon as she wrenched the door open, she screamed.

Jimmy, Johnny and I walked in, me slamming the door behind her. She was looking up in terror at Zacky and Syn, feeding on a whimpering man. I quickly walked to her side and turned her around, growling. I was angry at her, more justified because she just wouldn't listen.

"We warned you," I hissed, holding onto her arms tightly. "Did you honestly think we'd stop being who we are just because you girls came along? Damn it, Jazz. We leave him alone. He's gone through enough."

"Fuck you," she squirmed. "He lost what he never should have had in the first damn place. What did you think that was that night guys? An introduction into the family? Fuck you! She had a family, and you ripped it from her the minute she stopped breathing! And now," I let her go in amazement and anger. "and now you want to act remorseful because Cassie took her life? You took her life first! Talia is dead because of him and now my best friend got taken because we decided to play your game. I'm not waiting to be next," she turned to run off, but before she could, she was pinned down by Johnny and Syn.


"Take it back!" Johnny cried. "You take it back, you disgusting bitch!"

"Disgusting! You little shit, I oughta-"

I looked away from the spectacle, trying not to betray my feelings. One hand wanted to hurt her. The other wanted to protect her. I couldn't do both, so I just listened while Syn started lecturing her.

"Look here, little girl," he started, almost making me laugh. I could practically envision her angry face. "Talia was our fucking friend. If you so much as question that, the next thing you will see are the flames of hell, being welcomed by the devil himself. Got it?"

Knowing Syn, he hurt her. Knowing her, she was only nodding, trying not to show that pain. I turned back around only to find her hateful eyes not on Syn, but on me.

"I came here for her," she whispered. "Nothing more. Now, she's gone. Because of that hateful psychotic bitch."

Syn got off of her and she sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees. Zacky sat down next to her, putting his arm around her, erupting an unknown demon inside of me that wanted nothing more than to rip him apart. It was quiet except the labored breathing of the man.

"We'll find her," Zacky murmured. "I swear."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," she sighed. She looked up towards Syn, who was observing us all.

"What do we do?"

He held up a vial, one that looked suspiciously familiar. "We fight. No mercy, anything goes."

Jazz slowly nodded, taking in the vial. I knew she has seen it before. I wondered how many vampires she had to kill, how many she's seen burn out, how many already dead at the scene with their last victim. Why I was concerned about this was beyond me, but I had to keep it under check.

Otherwise, we were looking at a disaster.

We were all tense, waiting for her answer. As the breathing came to a complete stop, her growing smirk assured us of her involvement.

She was all in, ready to inflict hell with us. Hopefully, she won't catch her own.

Because TK's already caught up on her, and Jazz was unfortunately paying the price.
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Oh man, I love watching movies-they give me inspiration. But this was one crappy chapter. Ugh. I'm on to type the next chapter.