‹ Prequel: Blood Will Have Blood

Blood Will Have Vengeance


Gabrielle's POV

I was actually enjoying a quiet evening. For once, there was no tension, there was hardly any backhanded comments..well, except for Matt and Jazz. Those two nearly killed each other in a game of Guitar Hero-literally. Ten minutes ago, it took me, Jimmy, and Zack to restrain the two from leaping at each other. I for one cannot wait until they screw each other. It's getting old.

"Who wants next round?" Johnny asked lazily after getting beat by Matt for the fifth time. I was too busy eye-flirting with Jimmy to realize that the guitar was thrust into my lap. Johnny laughed and I snapped out of it, earning a smirk from Jimmy.

"Fine. Who's my challenger?" I rolled my eyes, standing up to meet Matt's cocky face. "Great. Lovely."

We keyed up "Slow Ride" and was ready to go before a blonde thin girl crashed into the room, nearly knocking Johnny over.

"Dahlia!?" everyone shrieked.

"Syn," she yelled. "I need to talk to you."

I looked at Jazz, who shrugged. I pressed pause and looked at the scene before me.

"What is it?" he asked cautiously.

She turned to us and waved before looking at Syn with a pointed look. I looked at Jazz and she rolled her eyes, getting up and pushing me towards the stairs.

"Where are you guys going?" Johnny grinned, his perverted mind probably thinking up wonders. Jazz stopped in front of me and smirked.

"We're gonna go make out."

The looks on all of their faces looked priceless, especially Matt. Poor thing, he didn't know whether to be mad or aroused. Dahlia just rolled her eyes and flicked us off while we blew kisses to the guys and flicked her right back. The guys thought that we meant them, so the next thing we knew we were diving for the bathroom.

"It's Cassie," I whispered, shoving Jazz into the door, clicking it shut. Jazz nodded and pointed to the ceiling, where the camera was. Dirty pervs, of course they would. I leaned up next to her and began furiously making out with her.

"HOLY SHIT!" Brandon squeaked. Thunder was soon pounded into our heads as the boys raised undoubtedly to throw Brandon out of the control room. Vampires or not, they will always be ruled by their damned hormones.

<Dahlia was undercover all week,> I projected, sliding my hand over Jazz's thigh. She moved her lips down to my neck, thinking, <Well. I guess we have to get it out of her.>

I pulled back, grinning. <Maybe,> I said, trailing kisses down her neck to her now-exposed stomach, making her gasp. <We have to beat it out of her.>

<Works for me.> she smirked back. I kissed her one more time before leaving the bathroom. She followed me, only for us to get ambushed by five guys. Brandon was wearing this triumphant look pinning me, while Matt pinned Jazz. Matt looked way too cocky for Jazz's taste and it showed-she was kicking and screaming at him to let up.


"Johnny," Jazz rolled her eyes at Matt's pleading look. "Do you want to join us?"

After he stopped hyperventalating, she smiled. "Then help us figure out what Dahlia is saying to Syn."

Seeing where she was going with this, I shrugged. "Whoever helps can either join or film it."

I will say this much. I've never seen five grown men run like that before. Well, I have had some that came close, but seeing Matt and Jimmy punch Brandon and Zacky was one for the books.

<Got em,> Jazz thought, crossing her arms.

Oh, they had no idea.

I love using guys for my own gains. Always had, and always will.
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Finally, an update right? Show me how much you love me. =) Love you guys!