‹ Prequel: Blood Will Have Blood

Blood Will Have Vengeance

It's Going Down

Jazz's POV

"I say we stop talking and hunt the bitch down," Jimmy snapped to Johnny who just rolled his eyes before swigging his beer. I sighed and looked at Syn, who was bickering with Gabrielle and Brandon. Matt was busy discussing tactics with Zacky, and I was slowly losing my mind. Dahlia was looking at the scene like she wanted nothing more than a drink.

"-Find her and snap her neck. Then burn the body."

"You're an idiot! That won't work!"

"She only has like three hundred zombie idiots protecting her."

"I say we set up a bait-"

"Don't be stupid, Shadows, they already got their own."

I rubbed my head in annoyance. Leave these idiots to it and they'll be here all week. I shrilly whistled, stomping all of the conversations and making seven vampires stare at me warily. Brandon shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"Here's the deal. You all have ideas. While I'm sure they're great and all, I can give a shit. TK needs help and the bitch needs to go down. Dahlia is going to lead me, Brandon, and Syn to find TK. Jimmy, Gabrielle, and Matt, go fucking find all the damn remaining warehouses and torch it. Johnny and Zacky, I guess you can stay here and drink."

Johnny looked happy, but soon his spirits were dashed when Matt gruffly snapped, "Short shit, you can go with Syn. Zacky can come with us."

I'd be damned. Narrowing my eyes, I shrugged. My phone started buzzing and The Pussycat Dolls came blaring into the room. Johnny frowned at his drink, while I scrambled at my pockets. Only one person had that ring tone. Thank God for it, because Gabrielle and Jimmy were wearing the biggest smirks.

"All of you need to answer your damn phones! I could be dead holding on to this bitch and you're-"

"TK," I snorted. "Calm the fuck down. We're coming," I signaled for my team to follow me. "Now, you have Cassie right?"

"What other bitches do we both know? Don't even think about being sarcastic, just hurry up. She's bound to wake up in a few seconds."

I think I liked being the bossy one. TK in outspoken authority scared the shit out of me. After kicking Brandon out of the driver's seat, I snapped the phone shut and threw it to Johnny. Keying the engine, I looked up.

"What are you doing in my car?"

Johnny shrugged as I sped onto the streets. "I'd rather chill with you guys."

"We're not chilling," Brandon said, typing away at his computer. "We're-"

"Fighting a bitch that has plagued the guys forever, blah, blah, blah. In my world, we are chilling."

I had to crack a smile at that.

Nonchalant attitude equaled confidence. Or at least, I sure hoped so.


Good back-up was so hard to find these days. I kicked the dirt softly, muttering to myself. Where was Ariana, no one could tell me. Brian hasn't heard from her, the retarded lackeys haven't heard from her, and for all I knew, she skipped town.

I heard groaning behind me and turning back around, I snatched a taser I had in my back pocket.

"Unless you want even more of a damn headache," I began but trailed off when I saw her. Her body had aged a good ten years and her eyes showed it. Brilliant ruby orbs were staring at me like I was the last breathing human on earth and it was dinnertime. As blood kept pouring out her chest, I realized something.

You know how you try to kill a vampire and someone says, "Oh hit the heart," ?

Complete and utter bullshit. If you like your life and you're dealing with someone older than 100, it would be great if you went head or nothing. Otherwise, it was your head.

"Glad to see you realized that damn myth is only true with newborns," a voice called out. I didn't even bother looking back.

She didn't answer her damn phone because she was too busy trying to surprise me. Well, after all this bullshit with her sister, did she think I would trust her? I may be nice sometimes, but I'm not an idiot.

All I know is that the people who I did call better hurry the fuck up. My life only depended on the driver's speed.

Dear Lord, I hope Brandon wasn't driving...
♠ ♠ ♠
I lost suscribers....I'm kind of depressed. I'm almost done writing the story. No, there isn't a sequel, and thank God for it. It's been a good run, but I have other stuff I need to put out.