‹ Prequel: Blood Will Have Blood

Blood Will Have Vengeance

Be Quick Or Be Dead

Jazz’s POV

I don’t fucking care how much hurt Brian went through. All I knew is that at the end of the day, the heifers needed to die. If no one could grow balls and do it, well then, I will.

“Do it.”

I could see her beginning to falter. They all thought I would beg and cry for TK to be released, just because she’s my best friend. Wrong. Dead wrong. And when I mean dead wrong, I mean that it was a fatal mistake. If TK was mad, that was her problem. I could see it now. We would trust the vampires and then wind up dead. She was already halfway there, I’d be damned to follow her. So if they wanted to try me, they can die with her.

What came over me, you ask? Common sense, along with a renewed sense of survival. This stupid dance lasted long enough. I was going to kill someone or die trying. I sprung for Cassie, but was quickly flung to the side by Brian.

“Let her go or you’re next!” I snarled to him, gearing up to run for her again. “Do not test me!”

“Calm down, Jazz!” Brian shouted. “There is a way to do this!”

“I am calm! I don’t abide by your rules, vampire. Get the hell out of my way!”

Cassie was watching all of this with her cold demeanor, while TK looked bored. Moments later, Cassie was flipped on her back, wondering who the snapping, sharp fanged animal was in front of her. That’s what happens when you underestimate. You get laid out on your ass.

I could tell Syn didn’t want TK to fight this battle. I didn’t blame him. However, he forgot that TK was stronger than Talia. I pulled him back, making sure he wasn’t within leaping distance of TK.

“Let her,” I ordered. “She has to die, she will die, and someone will do it. It might as well be her.”

She earned it. Lord knows she earned it. If this was how it ends, so be it. Cassie and her demented sister and her friends put us all through hell, they slaughtered our loved ones, and they had to pay. We all knew the price, and we all accepted it. So I watched. I watched as her eyes widened as the venom was injected through her veins. I watched as her flesh boiled and she lost her mind. I heard her last deafening roar as she gave up. But her smirk was what chilled me.

She knew what I did. But tomorrow’s another day so the bitch would have to wait.

“Jesus,” I heard a groan. “That fucking hurt, TK.”

I raised my gun and turned around with such swiftness, Brandon raised his hands and yelled, “Hey! Trigger happy! I’m fine!”

“You died.”
“I’m talking to you, dumb ass,” he rolled his eyes getting up. “I’m not dead.”

“She drained you.”

“No, she didn’t.” He took off a huge patchwork of skin off his neck, making me cringe. “She took the damn blood packet. I was working on it. Same effects, the drowsiness and all, but no siring here.”

I sighed. Leave it to Brandon to test out an invention during a crucial moment. His eyes scanned the room, lingering on the window and Cassie’s body.

“Damn, I missed a lot.”

“No shit,” we all retorted. I smirked. Some things never change.

But some do.