‹ Prequel: Blood Will Have Blood

Blood Will Have Vengeance


Brandon’s POV

We didn’t see Jazz after that night. Four years ago, she left in her car early morning, music blasting. I get cryptic messages from her at times. She would’ve stayed, but Gabrielle talked to her privately and after that, she couldn’t get out of Huntington fast enough. Shadows was devastated, but he stopped being his annoying raging self after a while. He disappeared after a while too, taking with him Johnny and Zacky. Jazz made me stay here to take care of TK, make sure she didn’t burn the city down with Jimmy and Brian.

The guys didn’t get it. Between the three of us, we didn’t expect them to. Choices were made so you can survive and win the fight. Jazz loved winning, but she was a survivor. She can’t choose between the two. So she’s doing what she’s doing best- making sure that justice is served and that no one, vampire or human, gets out of line. She’s the equalizer, the punisher, the slayer, and the last one of her kind. She knows what’s on the line. She’s willing to risk it.

As for TK, well, let’s just say it’s a good thing I’m here. Vampirism did her wonders. She and Syn are the most feared vampires in the business, but they are so jaded it’s starting to cloud their judgment on a few things. Like killing. Cassie and Ariana made sure their legacies moved on, and it did. This time, it hit a little too close to home. Sometimes, the killings were positive. But now, too many accidental killings are popping up. I give it another three years until Jazz takes matters into her own hands.

They were all products of their environments. They were of Cassie’s blood- they may be the avengers, but they are also the inflictors. In the end it doesn’t matter. Freedom, vengeance, blood all came at a price.

We all paid ours in the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
And that marks the end of the Blood series. Maybe. You never know. Thank you for your comments, guys. Thank you for putting up with me! And above all, thank you for reading my story!