This Hole You Put Me in Wasn't Deep Enough


Gerard stepped over Bob who was sleeping soundly. He was trying to get past the sleeping MCR band members.
And he just had to get his coffee.

"Mmmm, Gerardd?"
Mikey slung his arm over the edge of his bunk and opened his eyes.

Gerard quickly shushed him and went back to his adventure to the coffee machine.
He got there and poured himself some coffee and grabbed a pack of smokes.

"Dude, I have to quit."
He said to Mikey as he nodded his sleepy head at Gerard.
Gee lit the ciggarette and put it between his lips, dragging and placeing the lighter and pack onto the table. He sat down onto the table and blew puffs of smoke into the air.
He saw Mikey fall back asleep again.

"Haha, classic Mikey."
He said out loud, waking Ray.
Ray's luminous fro popped out of his bunk.

"Hey man.
Fuck, I'm tired.
What time is it?"

Gerard looked over at the clock over his bed ans sighed.

Ray whispered loudly.
"That's too early."

"I know Toro, go back to sleep."
Ray shrugged, making his hair bounce up. He fell back into bed, trying to go back to sleep.

"I can't.
I'm going to go play."
Ray got up and put on an Anthrax shirt. He stumbled into the makeshift studio in the back of the bus and grabbed his guiar while closing the door.

Gerard could hear the chords coming from the room.
It made him sleepy; Ray was playing a slightly slow and depressing song.
He fell fast asleep.

All of the band members except for Gerard snuck over to Gee.

"You have it?"
Frank whispered to Bob.
They stood above him, posed and ready.

"Okay... on three...

Loud yells could be heard from the bus.