Our Other World

A Day In LA

'Harry! Tia! Whoo!' Niall cried out. I laughed as he pulled us into a hug, with Liam and Zayn. Liam ducked away and disappeared for a while. We where laughing and talking to each other.
'Hey, you two! Come here! Eighty Thousand viewers want to say hi on twitcam!' Harry took my hand and leaned over the back of the sofa to wave at the camera.
'Hi guys!' Harry waved. I waved as well.
'Guess what guys? You know I'm 'Daddy Direction? Well...Harry is going to be an official Daddy Direction! Show the camera, Tia!' he smiled, looking behind at me.
'I am not showing....almost eighty seven thousand people my tummy on twitcam. No, just no,' I laughed.
'Shame that. Well, Tia is going to be Mummy Direction. So yeah! Big One Direction news of the day!' he grinned. Harry had his arm draped around me, reading some tweets off of the screen.
'Thanks to Chloe, Lauren, Jane, and loads of others who I've missed your names for wishing us good luck, we really appreciate it.'
'For God's sake Niall!' Louis shouted.
'What did he do now?' I called.
'Um...I kind of spilt...something all over the floor,' Niall called back.
'What did you spill?' I asked.
'We now have chocolate goo all over the floor,' Louis replied.
'I'm so clumsy,' Niall laughed. I started laughing at them.
'Hang on a minute...why chocolate goo?' Harry asked.
'Because-' Niall began.
'No reason, Harold,' Louis interjected.
'Alright, Boo Bear,' Harry grinned turning away and climbing over the back of the sofa to sit himself next to Liam. He was still holding my hand so as he moved away, I moved with him.
'You two are so adorable, from Cathrine,' Liam smiled looking at me and Harry.
'Thank you, Catherine,' Harry cheesily smiled. I turned my head to look through the door to the kitchen to find Niall 'clearing' the floor.
'Niall, that is rank!' I called out, laughing.
'What's he doing?' came Zayn's voice.
'He's cleaning the floor, but he just got a bit of the chocolate stuff on his finger and ate it! He actually ate it!' I laughed at him.
'I'm a hungry lad!'
'Niall, you don't eat off the floor,' Liam grinned.
'He doesn't always do that...actually...he hasn't done that in ages. That doesn't make it okay though. You people at home, you'd better not do that...it's not normal,' Harry said to the camera.
'Are you saying I'm not normal?' Niall's voice came from the kitchen.
'No...Of course not!' Harry covered - badly.
'Yeah...' Niall laughed. Harry got up and walked around the back of the sofa. He came up to me and whispered in my ear.
'I need a pee,' he said.
'Nice to know,' I giggled. I walked around and sat next to Liam.
'Hey, where's your phone?' I asked.
'Um...Kitchen table, why?' Liam told me.
'Do you have the docking station here?' I asked.
'Yeah, it's on the table, right in front of you,' he pointed out.
'Oh right yeah. Hey, Lou! Pass me Liam's phone! I want to put some music on! He has the most music on his phone!' I called. Louis came in and handed me the phone.
'Here you go. Hey guys! I'm busy at the moment, might be in in a bit though,' he waved.
'Yeah, what are you doing?' I asked.
'Just tidying and stuff,' Louis said.
'Lou that is the biggest lie in the world. You don't tidy,' but by that time he was walking out of the room. I selected the song I wanted to put on and put it in the docking station.
'Good song,' Liam nodded.
'Yeah, I know. Ed Sheeran...always a good choice,' I smiled. Harry came back into the room.
'Where did you go?' Liam asked.
'Toilet,' Harry replied simply.
'Nice,' Liam said. Harry slid next to me. 'Tell you what I'm going to put the laptop on the table because, it's getting really hot, and then you can see all of us. There we go.'
'Oi! Zayn! Get to the sofa!' Louis called.
'Why?' Zayn asked.
'Just do it!' Niall shouted. Zayn walked over to the laptop and shrugged.
'Vas happenin'?' he smiled to the laptop. Suddenly, the lights went out. I jumped slightly and Harry giggled.
'You alright?' he laughed.
'Yeah, why?' I replied.
'You just jumped!' he smirked. I lightly hit his arm. Louis and Niall came walking up behind us with a sort of cake. There where candles on top of it.
'3...2...1...' Louis whispered. 'CONGRATULATIONS!' they all shouted. I jumped at that as well. Me and Harry sat there laughing.
'That hasn't been on the floor, has it?' Harry asked.
'No. We made this, but then when we where spreading stuff on the top, Niall dropped the box, face down,' Louis explained.
'Aww thanks you guys! You didn't have to,' I smiled.
'We know we didn't have to, but we did anyway,' Niall patted me on the shoulder.
'Thanks,' I got up and went to hug them both. I sat back down and was served a slice of the cake they had made, along with Harry, Liam and Zayn. Niall and Louis finally got their slices and sat down.
'This is really good,' Harry said, through a mouthful of cake.
'Yeah, it is. Since when have you two been able to cook?' Zayn asked. The twitcam was random and went on for almost two hours more. Afterwards, I was off to Harry's suite with him, and fell into a deep sleep, almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next day I hopped out of bed, showered, dressed and did my hair and make-up fairly quickly. I was in a happier, more enthusiastic mood after knowing that Harry, the boys and a lot of the fans on Twitter where happy about the baby. I wasn't so scared any more. Harry found me scrolling through Twitter, seeing all the tweets we had sent during Livestream.
'You ready already?' he asked.
'Yeah. I didn't want to just wait around and stuff. Anyway, you need to be ready soon don't you? With rehearsals?' He bent down to pick up some clothes out of his case and made towards the bathroom.
'Nah, we don't have rehearsals today. I'll get ready, and we'll go and call on the boys. Then we can go out for a while,' he smiled. He emerged from the bathroom some time later, fully dressed and ready for the day. I heaved myself up, and slipped on my white dolly shoes. I was wearing a white summer dress that sat on the knee, that had a purple belt around the middle. I grabbed my sunglasses and bag and held them in my hand. Harry was holding the door open for me. We walked to Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn's rooms and got them out. We all slid into two cars and drove into the middle of LA. There where so many shops in the streets lined with tanned people.
'Come here,' Harry led me to a large shop. As soon as we where inside, it was lined with baby clothes, car seats, cots, cribs and so much more.
'Baby shopping? Today?' I smiled.
'I wanted to do some with you. I've got to go back to work soon, and you need to go back home in a few days, so I wanted to get some done, rather than it all yourself,' he replied, hugging me. We walked around the shop, hand in hand. We looked at all the baby grows and bought several pink, purple and white ones. We bought little crawling shoes that where white with a little pink bow, and many tops, vests, trousers, skirts, tights and dresses. We then moved on to the bottles and the steriliser. At the very back of the shop, there where car seats, Moses baskets, and pushchairs. We chose an adorable little Moses basket that had white lace with brown weaved wood and a little white 'mattress'. We chose a beautiful buggy, where Darcy would lie down in it, or sit up. It was black and had a lovely paracel to keep the sun off her when it was sunny, and a dainty rain cover for when it rained. We left the shop with two bags of baby clothes that I carried, and three large boxes containing the things we needed for the baby. We struggled to get them all back to the car without dropping them, but managed. Once everything was packed in the car, we went to meet the boys in a restaurant for lunch. It was hard to miss the table they where sitting at, as you could hear Niall's laugh almost as soon as you walked through the doors. Goodness knows what he was actually laughing at. We sat down and started talking about what we had been doing for the last few hours.
'We have something for you,' Louis grinned. He pulled a little box out of his pocket and handed it over the table to us. Harry and I held the small box between us and opened it. Inside, there was a little, silver baby charm bracelet with different little charms on it. One was a shamrock, one a carrot, one a little 'Disney D', one a microphone and a few others. It glinted in the light and showed all the tiny sparkles of the many different charms.
'We chose what would remind her of her uncles, her dad, her mum and home when ever she was away,' Liam explained.
'Yeah, the shamrock is mine, obviously. Louis wanted the carrot, Liam's was the Disney D, because he loves Disney,' Niall explained.
'And mine was the microphone, 'cause that's like the most noticeable tattoo I have. Harry's was the star, because it was his first tattoo. Your's, Tia, was the 'diamond' studded heart, because no love is stronger than a mothers love for her baby. And the one to remind her of home was Big Ben,' Zayn finished.
'You can add more if you want,' Louis said. 'But this is a present from us, to Baby Styles.'
'Thank you so much you four. You really are amazing!' Harry thanked.
'No problem, mate,' Liam smiled.

We ate at the restaurant and then spent the day at the beach. Liam was gutted when he discovered that he could have tried surfing, as the waves weren't as calm as they had been the previous week. We ended up 'paddling' in the shallow end of the sea, splashing each other with the blue water. We ended the day by just simply heading back to the hotel to sit and play on the PlayStation.