Our Other World

The Birthday and The Dress

The wedding was drawing ever closer. First to come, though, was Harry's birthday. I knew that for years he'd loved animals, especially pets. He missed his cat, Dusty, so I decided to buy him a kitten for his birthday. It was only a few weeks old and had had all of its injections. This meant a lot less medical care for us. I had the kitten dropped off early in the morning. It had beautiful, thick black hair, with bright blue eyes. It was completely fluffy, and had dainty, white, soft paws. It meowed softly in my arms. I cuddled it and held it to my chest. It was so small and frail.
'Come on then tiny. Lets go and put you here. Quick! I hear Harry!' I felt quite silly talking to a kitten, but I didn't care. I placed it in a spacious box and laid it on the coffee table.

'Who where you talking to, love?' Harry asked from behind me.
'Oh no one. Happy birthday, darling,' I smiled, walking up to him and slid my arms around his waist. I lifted my neck up and kissed him softly on the lips. He smiled and held me while he looked down at me.
'Thanks,' he said.
'I got you something,' I told him, taking him by the hand and dragging me over to the coffee table. 'Word of advice...Put these on first,' I said, handing him a pair of boxers. I knew that he'd want to put the cat on his lap, and if he were to do that with nothing on, there were to be problems.
'Why?' he moaned, jokingly.
'Just do it! Come on!' I urged him happily. He slid them on, half curiously, half reluctantly.
'Good. Now you can open your present,' I said, treating him like he was a small child. He reached for the box and removed the lid.
'Oh my God, it's adorable! Thank you Tia!' he gasped, smiling to himself. He reached over to me with his free hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He held the kitten softly in his hands, and started stroking it's silky fur. It purred quietly, then hopped down and started meowing again.
'I think it wants feeding,' I said 'Do you want to feed her?'
'Yeah,okay. She needs a name...' he paused. 'I like the name Jessie...How about you?'
'I like it, yeah. It's your kitten! You choose,' I said. He smiled.
'Come on, Jessie. Lets get you some food,' he said, guiding her into the kitchen. I smiled at how much he seemed to like the cat. He fed her and sat there petting her until she'd finished.

I strolled over to the kitchen side and turned the kettle on I made Harry a cup of tea.
'I thought I'd take you out for breakfast if you liked. We could go and get ready and then go out,' I suggested.
'Aw thanks. But what about Jess?' he asked.
'Aww attached to it already! Yeah, I've gotten her a bed, and a scratching pole. There's some toys and a cat litter tray as well. Just put them in here, put the radio on and let her play in here. It's what we used to do to my nan's kittens,' I explained.
'Yeah. Yeah, okay. I'll go and get ready,' he said, standing up. He walked past me and gave me another kiss on the cheek. I smiled at him and watched him walk out of the door.

After a while, we were walking down the street towards the cafe. I paid for everything and we ended up eating in the park. Not many people where there. Just a few small children with their parents. We spent about an hour there, talking about all sorts of things. We got snapped by the press a few times, but we didn't mind. I thought it was very funny when Harry had ketchup all down his chin and I sat there laughing as him as he tried to lick it off. I imagined it would have been a hilarious photo in the newspapers. I took a napkin and wiped it up for him. He started laughing at his own stupidity. I gave him the last of my breakfast, and he finished it happily, as he often did. We took a walk around the park, hand in hand.
'Oh! Harry, I called the boys yesterday. They're coming around later,' I announced.
'Oh yeah, what for?' he asked.
'It is your birthday, Harry. It's not like they're just coming round,' I told him.
'True. So, you excited about the wedding?' he asked. This took me slightly by surprise. He didn't really ask about it. Everything was done...apart from the suits for groom and best man and my dress.
'Yeah I am! I can't wait to choose my dress,' I said.
'You're going to look gorgeous, whatever you pick,' he smiled.
'Thanks. I'm sure you'll look very dapper in your suit. And Louis,' I grinned.
'Yeah...do I have to sort my hair out for this?' he asked, looking slightly concerned now.
'No, just flip it and you'll be fine!' I laughed at his facial expression.
'Good!' he sighed with relief.

A few hours later, we were sitting in the living room with the kitten circling our feet with Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn. Harry had no idea what we had planned. We sat there wasting time, and to make things less obvious, Niall pretended to use the toilet three times, Zayn twice and the others once each. He knew we were supposed to be going out, but we were trying to waste time to make sure that the Bowling Alley was ready, with Harry's parents there and some of his friends from Cheshire. I took a risk of staining my favourite top by 'accidentally' spilling tea all down it. I ran upstairs to get a new top on and ran to the sink to put the top in soak. I ended up wearing a soft, purple jumper. I was also wearing my denim jeans and black boots. By three, I got a text from Anne saying that they were all there, every other person apart from them and the staff had gone and that everything was just generally ready. I walked into the living room when Zayn was talking about the cat, stroking it lightly and said;
'So, are we going then?'
'Yeah! Okay. Come on guys in the car,' Liam announced.
'Okay, where are we going? So I can follow you there,' Harry asked.
'I'll drive honey,' I said.
'You sure? If there's a lorry, you tend to panic a bit,' he noted.
'Yeah, but that was last year! That was in, like, November. I do have a drivers license. What's the point of me having one when I don't drive?' I pointed out. 'Can I have the keys?'
'Alright...' and Harry reluctantly handed over the keys. The boys sniggered at the fact that Harry was unsure of letting me drive.
'Look, I can drive! I'll show you! Come on, Harry, in the car. We'll leave before them so they can see what I drive like. We'll make it there alive, I'm not that bad!' I laughed. I grabbed him by the hand and tugged him into the car. I started the engine and drove off of the drive. I drove down the road, around the corner, stopped at the red lights, drove through the green ones, and made it to the Bowling Alley all in one piece. I got out the car and smiled a sarcastic smile at Harry.
'Told you I could drive,' I sounded jokingly smug.
'You've got a lot better. You used to get scared and panic at junctions,' he said.
'Like I said, that was in November. It's February now. That's four months,' I smiled. We waited outside for the boys.
'Bowling are we?' Harry asked.
'Yeah. Thought it would be nice. Don't break the lane we're on. You and Louis have a tendency to do that,' I joked. They walked up to us after finally finding a parking space.
'You're a lot better at driving now, Tia,' Louis smiled, looking slightly impressed.
'Thank you!' I smiled turning on my heel holding Harry's hand. As soon as we entered the building, we were met with booming music and a massive cheer. Harry looked rather happy and when he recognised some faces, he started calling their names. He gave them all hugs and smacks on the back. I smiled at him as he acted like a small child, having the most amazing party he'd ever had. I walked up to the bar behind the actual lanes. Niall came with me, and ordered the boys a beer each, and I ordered myself a cocktail. As I was getting the money out of my purse, Niall had pulled a ten pound note out of his pocket and had paid for all six of the drinks.
'You didn't have to, Niall,' I smiled.
'I know, I wanted to. Come on, lets take these to the boys. I know this will be Liam's only one for today, but may as well get him one anyway,' he said, helping me carry them towards them.
'Harry! Harry!' I called out to him, but he couldn't hear me. I climbed over the counter and smiled at the lady there. I took the little microphone that they usually made announcements into and pressed the button.
'HAROLD EDWARD STYLES! Would you mind spending two seconds with your fiancée?' I shouted into the microphone. 'Thanks,' I smiled at the lady. Harry came over to the counter and grinned at me.
'Classy Tia, really classy.'
'Well, I do my best,' I joked, handing him a beer.
'So what do you want?' he asked, taking it.
'I was only trying to give you this. Niall paid for it, thank him. Go on, have a good time,' I said.
'I can stay with you if you like,' he asked.
'No, go on. You haven't seen some of these people in about a year - or more. I'll stay with the boys. Have a good time,' I smiled. He took me in his arms and hugged me tight.
'Thanks Tia, for everything. You really are amazing,' he said, and kissed me on the end of my nose.
'It's alright,' I said as he walked away.

I walked over to Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn. They were on a lane nearest the back.
'You all spoken to Harry?' I asked.
'We'll see him later, won't we? We see him every day. He doesn't see his family and old school friends any more,' Zayn said.
'Want a game?' Liam asked.
'Yeah, go on then,' I said, sipping my cocktail. Liam was first to bowl, and of course he did very well. They were all quite good at bowling, they were all good at most sports. We continued playing and laughing for a while. After about two games, we retired to the bar. Liam sat drinking Orange juice and Lemonade, and after one more drink (red wine) I joined him. I didn't want to exceed the limit, and I knew that Harry would be drinking a lot more that just two. After half an hour, Harry and one of his friends came up to the bar. He came and slid next to me.
'Hello, babe,' he said, slurring slightly, kissing my neck. I pulled away slightly.
'You're drunk,' I said, fairly sternly.
'No! I've not had that much to drink! Have I mate?' he called over to his friend, who shook his head.
'How many you had?' I asked.
'About.....five?' he squinted his eyes a bit.
'I think you should stop now, sweetheart. Niall's only on his third, and he said he was going to stop soon,' I advised, just as his friend bought him another beer over.
'You going to stop after that one?' I asked.
'Oh come on, how many have you had? Liam? How many has she had? Eh?' he defensively said.
'She's had two, Harry mate. That's just a Orange and Lemonade. Nothing alcoholic about it,' he replied, patting his on the back. Harry took a long swig from his bottle.
'You better listen to your future misses Harry, don't want to be put on the 'naughty step' when you get home!' joked his friend. Harry started giggling. He started making more remarks as I tried to prise the bottle out of his hand.
'Sorry, but who the hell do you think you are? What me and Harry do at home has nothing to do with you. Yes, he is my future husband, and if he ever does something I don't like, I bloody well tell him so. Now get lost and keep that massive snout out of my business!' I yelled at him, standing on my feet and pointing away from the table.
'Come on, Tia, he didn't mean anything!' Harry hiccuped.
'You, need to stop drinking. That's your sixth. We were supposed to be going out for dinner later with these boys and your mum, sister and dad. If you get any more shit-faced, then we'll have to cancel. Don't start sticking up for that prat. Is he the one who has been buying you all the drinks?' I demanded.
'He's bought me a few,' he murmured.
'Come on. Go and get a drink of water or something. Try to sober up in the next hour and a bit. I don't mean to treat you like a child, but you leave me no choice sometimes,' I explained, playing with his curls. He got up and got himself and me a J2O to make up for it.
'Thanks,' I said, taking the drink and placing it on the table as I finished my previous one. 'Be back in a minute.'

I slipped away to the bathroom. I stared in the mirror, making sure my hair was okay, as well as my make-up and my clothes. I walked out of the toilets and almost walked into Anne.
'Tia! I've just seen Harry, he doesn't seem to happy. He's at a table with the boys in the bar. Do you know what's wrong with him?' she asked.
'Probably sulking. He'll be alright in a minute. I just told him to stop drinking because we're all supposed to be going out later, and I told his mate to get lost. I treated him like a little boy, but, you know...'I faltered.
'Yeah, I know. Alright, I was just checking it wasn't anything serious. Wouldn't want him being all upset on his birthday,' she smiled, and entered the toilets. I walked back up to the bar, and sat at the table with them. I placed my head in Harry's neck and started playing with one of the wristbands on his right hand. He put his left arm around me while talking to the boys.
'We got a call of Simon earlier, Harry. He said that he couldn't come here, but he says 'Happy Birthday' and he hopes you have a good one,' Niall announced.
'Oh, thanks,' Harry acknowledged, seeming happier now that I was cuddled up to him.
'So, when are you going to get your dress, Tia?' asked Louis.
'Well, my mum couldn't come. Her and my family are in Spain, but Anne and Gemma should be coming with me tomorrow. You can come if you like, but you might need to get your suits won't you?' I replied.
'Yeah. Harry, should we go and get ours tomorrow? You boys can come tomorrow if you like,' Louis suggested. Harry nodded and looked at the boys.
'I've got my suit,' Liam said.
'Me too. Me and Zayn went the other day. Do you mind if we come and take a look at the dress Tia?' asked Niall. I gulped to sip of J2O I had in my mouth down and said;
'Not at all. We were going to leave at eleven. Get there about half ten maybe?' I invited.
'Yeah alright. Should be nice,' Zayn nodded.
'You have a good time. Me and Louis will choose the most crazy suits we can and -' Harry began.
'You what?' I interjected.
'I'm joking, calm down. I wouldn't be so stupid! Aww your face! You actually got worried!' he laughed.
'Well, you've said yourself, Louis had no boundaries, and you like to push the line as far as possible. I wouldn't put it past you,' I claimed. Louis laughed.
'I wouldn't do that. It's your wedding day. I'm best man, I wouldn't want to stand at the front in a kilt or something, that would just feel weird!' he joked. We sat talking for a while longer before leaving to get ready for that night. We ate out at The Ivy as we knew Harry liked it there. It was quite nice, and Harry had the sense not to drink anything alcoholic. It was quite a nice meal, and we had a good time. It was almost ten before we'd left and back at home.

At eleven the next morning, Anne, Gemma, Niall, Zayn, Liam and myself where down at the bridal wear shop, looking at loads of wedding dresses. There where lots of 'this one's nice' and 'That one would suit you' but none of them seemed right.
'That one! It's gorgeous!' I cried out, and ran over to a beautiful dress. It was sleeveless, and was fitted to just on the bottom before it flowed out around the legs. It was pure silk, the colour of freshly fallen snow. It had a little dainty detail trailing up the side of the torso, giving it a small silver shimmer. I chose a pair of amazing heeled shoes, pure white, with small silver details on them to match the dress. The veil tented out behind, and had about three layers, that ended on the lower back. I came out of the changing room wearing the dress, shoes and veil. I smiled and looked at the five people waiting for me. They were looking at dresses. Zayn saw me in a mirror and turned around, jokingly wolf-whistling. The others turned around as well.
'That is so gorgeous!' breathed Gemma.
'That is so beautiful, Tia,' Niall smiled.
'You think so?' I asked.
'Yes! It's perfect Tia. It really is. It's so beautiful. You are going to look so amazing on the say!' Anne was laughing slightly, though no one really knew why. I guessed it was for excitement.
'Just think. Twelve days and you'll be walking down the aisle, arm-in-arm with your dad, walking up Harry, waiting at the alter to take his vows,' Liam indicated.
'How much is it all together?' Zayn asked.
'Um...all of it together? £1500. It's so perfect!' I was so excited, I could hardly contain it. I changed back into my normal clothes and gave the dress and shoes to the shop assistant.
'They'll be sent to your house the day before the wedding. That alright?' the assistant asked.
'That's fine,' I said, inserting my card into the machine.

We walked out of the shop and trailed down the street to find Harry and Louis having some photos taken with fans. When the fans saw the others, they asked for a picture with them as well.
'Oh yeah! And can we get a picture with Harry and Tia? They are marrying soon, I think it would be nice!' squealed one fan. Gemma took the camera as Harry and I stood behind the fans. Harry put his one arm around me, and his other hand on a red-haired girls shoulder, while I placed my other hand on the brunette's shoulder. We smiled at the camera and waited for the flash. They thanked us and ran down the street.
'That was...weird. I never get asked for photos,' I grinned.
'Well, now you have,' said Harry, and he gave me a little squeeze.
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