Status: Working on another Chapter. I have been caught up with work and prom coming up in 2 days!!

We're Watching You


As I'm sitting on the chair, the doctor looks into my eyes. He takes a flash light out of his pocket and flashes into my eyes. "Look straight ahead and try not to blink." The light is really bright, its kinda hard not to blink. "You don't wear contacts do you?" He questioned me while still looking into my eyes.

"No?" I wondered what he was thinking, or even if he found something bad...

"Well, James, your eyes are very interesting." He looked a little concerned as he finished his last statement.

"Shouldn't I be worried that my eyes change colors?" I was puzzled at what he was saying.

He looked at me and smiled, almost like a fake or forced smile.. "It shouldn't be anything, but since your headaches are almost constant, I'm going to prescribe you a higher dose of Advil. Okay, you are free to go."

I stood up and walked out the door like nothing just happened. I looked around, searching for my love. I found her, she was standing at the counter talking to one of her 'nurse friends'. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her at the waist.

"Hey, sexiness. Is your boyfriend around at the moment?" She jumped at the sound of my voice, then turned around.

"As a matter as a fact, I was just wondering when he was going to show up." She said with a smile, as she leans in to kiss me.

I always loved her kisses, I don't know why but they make me feel complete.

"Well then, what do you say we get out of here, gorgeous?" I started to smile at her reaction. She kind of lit up when I finished my sentence. We've been here for what seemed like hours.

"Alright." She told her friend that she would text her later, then she interlaced her fingers with mine.

“So, do you just want to go home, or do you need to go anywhere else while were out?” I was trying to make conversation, since she was so quiet.

“No, I’m fine. We could just go home.” As she finished her sentence, it seemed like something was bothering her.

“Babe?” I was kind of worried that I did something wrong.

“Mm-hmm?” She now definitely sounded upset.

“Is something wrong? Did I do something to make you upset?” We were now at the car and I got in front of her and pushed her up against it, and pressed my body against hers.

She smiled. “You didn’t do anything. I promise, I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now.”

She leaned in to kiss me, but I didn’t let her. Now I knew something was up. When ever she’s hiding something, she’ll always try to kiss me to avoid talking about it.

“Jess, I know something’s wrong. Please, just tell me what it is so I can try and make it better.”

She sighed kind of loud. Now she seemed even more upset. "I said nothing was wrong.. Can we just drop it?"

I didn't want to make her anymore upset than she was... "Of course we can, gorgeous." I smiled at her for a second, then took my body off of hers.

The car ride home wasn't much better either.

"Hey, babe?" She looked at me with innocent eyes.

"Yes, love?"

"I'm sorry I was acting like a bitch back at the parking lot."

I was a little bit shocked.

"Baby, you weren't being a bitch at all. I shouldn't have kept asking what was wrong, when you clearly said nothing was wrong the first time."

I didn't take my eyes off of the road, but I could her staring at me like I just said something I shouldn't have.

"Okay, something was wrong... I was worried the doctor gave you some bad news, like you had cancer in your eye. I just kept thinking, 'What would I do if it was cancer??' The thought just kept replaying over and over in my head, like a broken record.."

"Jess." I took a long pause. "You have nothing to worry about. The doctor said I shouldn't worry about it. It's not cancer. I promise."

As I finished my sentence, we had reached the drive way to our house.

Jess looked at me and smiled. She then unbuckled her seat-belt and came over to my side of the car. I wasn't really sure what she was about to do.

Jess put one hand on both sides of my face, and started to kiss me. She was now sitting in my lap.

I reached up to push the garage door opener button. As I was pulling into the garage, I started to feel her hand wander down to my jeans. She had started to rub her hand over my crotch. I knew what she was doing.

As she continued to run her hand over my crotch, I started to grow a hard on. She got what she wanted.

I shifted her forward a little bit so I could get my seat-belt off. I opened the car door and put one hand under her knees, and the other hand under her arm.

She was still kissing me, passionately.

I walked towards the door that goes into the house. She knew my hands were full with her, so she stopped kissing me for a second, then pushed the garage door button so it would close.

As we got into the house, I kicked the door shut with my foot. I started to walk through the kitchen, and stopped at the table.

I gently put her down, and then started to kiss her intensely. She knew she had it coming.