Status: Working on another Chapter. I have been caught up with work and prom coming up in 2 days!!

We're Watching You


I know I shouldn't worry about her as much as I do.. But she's like my life, my other half, my soul mate.

When I come downstairs for breakfast, Jess is already at the table, playing on her tablet. I wonder how long she's been down here. I walk over to the cabinet and then over to the coffee maker to pour myself some coffee. It's kind of quiet.. I don't know if I should start a conversation with her or just let it be silent.

"Babe?" The sound of her voice startled me.


"Is there a reason why you haven't said two words to me since earlier this morning?" She sounded a little upset with me.

"No, I just thought I would give you some space. You sounded like you didn't know what to do after I asked you all of the questions.."

She sighed and got up from the table and held her tablet in one hand and her plate in the other. She walked past me not making eye contact like she does when she's mad at me. After she put her plate into the sink, she walked past me I could feel her angry following her like a lost puppy dog.

"I really need to stop making her mad at me..." I said to myself like someone was in the room with me.

When I get upstairs, Jess is in her closet getting clothes for her day. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me.

"I'm so sorry that I made you mad earlier.. I didn't mean it. I also can't stand it when you're mad at me. I can't see that gorgeous smile of yours."

"Well, I wouldn't have been so mad if I had gotten at least a good morning from you."

She was right, I can't just stop talking to her, even if I think something is up.. I lightly kiss her on the cheek and let go of her. I can tell that she's not mad at me anymore. Her whole spirit has changed.

I quickly get into the shower and get ready for my day. I was going to meet my brother later, and he didn't like waiting. For anyone..

As I was leaving the house, Jess was starting to clean the kitchen. She's crazy sometimes. She didn't have anywhere to be, except her online classes at 3:00. It was only 12:30. I had twenty minutes to get to the coffee shop to meet Steven. As I pull into the parking space I was five minutes early. I go into the coffee shop and order two coffee's. Caramel brown sugar for me, and Hazel nut for Steven. I go to a table and wait for him.

"Hey little bro!" I heard from behind me a familiar voice.

"Hey, what's up? Long time no see."

He shook my hand smiling at me. I was now at least three inches taller than him.

"Well, I thought I would see what you've been up to. We haven't seen each other in like months or so."

"Uh huh.. What else is going on.. You never want to meet up unless somethings up.."

I sigh.

"Um. Well, I think we might have an issue.."

"What's this "issue."

"Somethings going wrong with, Jess. Remember how I started out.. Well, she's going through the same stages.."

Steven looked into his coffee cup. He took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"Well, does she know anything?"

"Nothing at all... I almost said something about it to her this morning, but I caught myself before I said anything."

Steven didn't look at me. He was too focused on something outside.

"I don't think we can continue this conversation anymore here.. It's to dangerous. Get your things and meet up at that place we always go to."

I knew what was going on. Quickly. I walked out the door and walked towards my car. In the reflection of my car, I saw a SUV that was parked across the street. I noticed it hadn't moved an inch since he parked his car almost half an hour earlier. I get on to the road and start to drive to our secret place.

I turn on to a dirt road. I haven't been down this road in a couple years. I follow the road until it opens up to an abandoned house. I pull up to it, get out of my car and walk towards the door. As I let myself into the house, I wait for Steven to arrive.


I look at my phone. It's almost 8:00. No sign of Steven, still.. It's getting late.. I should get home... I walk back to the front door. As I slowly open it, making sure no one was going to come running in, it squeaks. I get to my car and pull around on to the dirt road and head home. About 20 minutes later, I look into my rear view mirror. My stomach dropped.. It was the same SUV that I saw at the coffee shop. It was following me.. I had no where to run.. I couldn't go home, Jess was there.. I had to figure something out. And fast..