Little Lion Man


Russell's Point of View

I sat at my kitchen table, scrolling through this strangers phone, picking up little bits and piece of her life getting a peep into her life. Her name was Roseleigh, she was young and beautiful, and from her text messages I learned she was new to London. I was perusing her photos when her phone began to vibrate and ring. 'Katie' was displayed across the screen. I thought just a moment before answering.

"Hello?" I asked, tapping my fingers lightly on the table.

"He-who is this?" The female voice questioned, sounding troubled.

"Russell," I answered simply, "I-"

"How did you get Rose's phone?" Katie asked, "Where is she?"

"I knocked into your friend on the street," I explained, "I wanted to return her phone, but I'm not sure how I should go about that."

"Well," She sighed, I could almost hear the debate in her head. She was dealing with a strange man looking for her very pretty and seemingly alone friend, "You could drop it off at her work."

"You're going to tell me where she works?" I asked, "What if I stalk her?" I smirked, "I'm a stranger!"

"I will buy a plane ticket and personally end you," She said menacingly, I couldn't hold back a laugh.

"No worries, sweetheart. I just want her to have her phone back."

"She works at Bixbie's coffee house," She answered slowly, "Drop it off tomorrow."

"Alright," I said, leaning back in my chair, "I'll do that." Morrissey jumped up on the table and sat, looking at me in a questioning manner. I reached out and pet him between his ears as I bid Katie farewell.


The bell over the door jingled as I entered the coffee shop, I scanned the baristas working, not recognizing one of them as Roseleigh. I'd only seen her for a moment, but I was decent with faces and hers would have stood out to me in a crowd. It probably helped that I'd looked through her pictures a few more times.

"Can I help you, Hon," The older Irish woman behind the counter asked, I could tell the younger patrons had recognized me.

"Is Roseleigh working?" I asked, hoping maybe she was just through the 'employees only' door.

"No, dear," She answered, "She won't be in til tomorrow, is there something I can do for you?"

"Thank you, madam," I said, "I'll just take a black coffee, please." She smiled as I handed over my money and she gave me my change. I read her name tag 'Corrine' was printed in neat handwriting, I stood out of the way, waiting for my order.

"'Scuse me?" a voice interrupted my thoughts, I turned towards three teens, "Can we get a picture with you, mate?"

"Yeah," I smiled, greeting them each and learning their names. I signed an autograph for each and took pictures. After bidding them goodbye, they headed out of the shop.

"So where are you from?" Corrine asked, "For them to want your picture."

"I'm an actor," I said, uncapping my coffee and adding a packet of sugar to it, "and I do a bit of stand up comedy."

"And what do you want with our Roseleigh?" She asked with a smile, leaning forward a bit.

"I've found something of hers, I just want to return it," I said with a smile, "Can you tell me when she works?"

"She should be in tomorrow," Corrine said, "At 9."

"Thank you, madam," I said, patting her hand, "I'll see you tomorrow then."


I headed back to my flat, stopping off to pick up my groceries for the week. As I approached the Athenaeum, the door man opened the door.

"Afternoon, Mr. Band," He smiled, "Need a hand?"

"No, thank you, Mr. Willis," I answered, managing my bags just fine, "How are you today, sir?"

"Just fine," He smiled, "Getting cold out there, eh?"

"It is, stay warm today, alright?" I gave him a smile before stopping to pick up my mail. I caught the elevator just in time and made it to my flat to put my groceries away. Afterwards, I decided to head to the bookstore and then to my managers office to pick up a script. I took the elevator again, down this time, towards to lobby. The doors opened to left me off and there stood the beautiful girl I'd been looking for.

"You," She said, stepping away from me.

"Roseleigh," I smiled, "I've been looking for you."

"How-" She backed away some more, looking startled, I pulled her phone out of my pocket and held it out to her, "Oh." She nodded and seemed to relax a bit, "Th-thank you."

"You're welcome," I said, stopping the elevator doors from closing and stepping off. we traded places with her stepping onto the elevator, "I was just trying to give it back to you yesterday."

"Sorry," She said, giving me a shy smile, "I just was..overwhelmed."

I stopped the doors with my arm again, "You should let your friend Katie know that you got your phone back. She was worried I was going to stalk you," I smiled, "I'm not," I said quickly, "I live on the 10th floor."

She nodded, looking down at her phone, "Well thank you..."

"I'm Russell," I said, still holding the door open with one arm, I extended my other arm to shake her hand. Her hands were soft and manicured.

"Nice to meet you," She smiled, "Not to be rude, Russell, but I have to get going."

"Right," I nodded, "Well, glad I could get it back to you. You have a good day, Roseleigh." I looked at her observantly, taking in her long hair and bright, shining blue eyes, "Hopefully I'll see you around."

"Thank you, Russell," She blushed a little bit as I removed my arm and let the doors close.