Rag Doll

What Shall We Do?

I wandered around most of the night, I couldn't think of anything else to do. If I went home my family would crucify me, my parents were the same as Ronnie was about Greasers. I think it was kind of pointless to fight going home though, my parents would have every police officer in town looking for me in a couple days. I guess I just wanted to prolong it, I figured the longer I stayed gone then the more worried they would be, which meant my punishment would be less strict. It must've been about 2 a.m when I laid down on a piece of cardboard beside a dumpster and fell asleep. I knew it wasn't smart, but I was tired and desperate.

Around about 10 a.m the same morning somebody kicked my arm, I shot up because they frightened me. I looked up and saw Dallas Winston standing over me with this big, stupid grin on his face.

"So, 'Little Miss Perfect' is sleeping by the garbage? Never thought I'd see the day," He says before letting out a wicked chuckle.

I couldn't think of anything else to say, I mostly just felt like crying. I didn't though; I just looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes. His face becomes serious as he begins studying me, he points to the bruises on my wrist.

"Who did that to you?" He squints against the sun, his lip curls up slightly. I couldn't help thinking how terribly cute he looked.

"My brother," I mumble.

"You know what?"


He shakes his head,"I've been around some pretty bad guys, but none of them would ever hit a girl. Even if it was one of those real tough chicks they wouldn't do it, simply because they're chicks."

"I guess he's just a coward."

He smiles satisfied, "I'm proud of you."

I didn't know why he was talking to me at all, out of all the Greasers I knew of everybody always told me that Dallas was the worst. Yet here he was, talking to me.

"Thanks, I guess."

"Hey! Dally, what ya do-" Two-Bit stops mid-sentence when he sees me sitting on my cardboard in front of Dallas, "What's she doing here?"

"I slept here."

"On the cardboard?"

I nod ten times, I nod a lot when I'm nervous. I used to dig my nails against my palms when I was nervous, but that left scars and my parents were ashamed of it. They were ashamed of a lot of things about me.

"Okay, okay. I get it, calm down," he says and puts his hand on top of my head to make me stop nodding.

"What're we gonna do with her?" He asked Dallas, who shrugs.

"We'll take her home I guess."

"NO!" I yell, they both look at me awkwardly but they don't say anything.

Two-Bit helped me up and they lead me to a house where Dani was sitting in the lawn with two guys talking and smoking cigarettes.