Rag Doll


Dani holds the joint out to me and my mind goes blank. I don't reach out to take it or shake my head to decline, I just simply stare at it. My eyes go to her face then back to the joint. My face must have looked completely blank because Dallas piped in saying, "Okay, princess, that there is a joint. You smoke it!"

I roll my eyes, "I know what it is."

"Well do you want some or not?" he asked impatiently. I shook my head and slide back against the wall.

I pull my knees up against my chest and watched them pass the joint around. I was really hungry and I wanted to take a bath and go to sleep. I didn't want to go home though, I could only imagine the beating my father would give me when I got home.

It probably wasn't helping that my brother was at home blowing the whole thing out of proportion. He exaggerates everything. By now he probably had Dad convinced that he caught me making out with a hood, Ronnie would honestly say something like that.

I started dozing off a little bit while I listened to all of them talk. They were teasing Dallas about bringing me to their little circle when last night he was being such a jerk to me. I thought it was a little ironic myself, but I wasn't going to say so.

I must've have fallen fast asleep because the next thing I remember is Dani kicking me in the foot to wake me.

"Hey, Bobbie, do you wanna go to the Curtis's house and clean yourself up a little bit?" she asked.

I looked up and noticed that everybody had gone except her and Dallas. I wondered how long I had been asleep.

"Yeah, that would be great."

She nods, "Let's stop by my place first and get you some clean clothes. I think we're about the same size."

While we walked to her house Dani and I talk a lot about our lives and stuff. I discovered we were a lot alike. We both liked books a lot, but the biggest thing that was similar about us was the we didn't understand the rivalry between Socs and Greasers.

"It seems to me like there's no reason for us to hate each other, I mean there are some people that I used to play with when I was little that hate me now! All because I'm a Greaser!" Dani says while shaking her head.

I shrug, and the rest of the walk is silent. When we got to her house she left Dallas and I in the kitchen. He didn't say anything to me for a long time, we just kind of stood there.

Then, all the sudden has asked me, "When are you going home?"

"I don't know," is all I could think to say.