Rag Doll

Maybe Baby.

After Dani finished introducing me to everyone that didn't already know me, we all sat around the table to eat breakfast. I figured out that Sodapop, Darry, and Ponyboy were all brothers. I knew Darry, he used to play football with my brother before Ronnie broke his leg and couldn't play anymore. Honestly, he didn't just break his leg...He pretty much shattered it into a bunch of tiny pieced. They had to put a rod in it.

I also found out that Darry was the one that stopped my brother from hitting me last night. For that I was very grateful.

I rolled up the sleeves of the purple sweater Dani had given me to wear, and started to cut up my pancakes. I wasn't thinking about what had happened the night before until I heard Mrs. Curtis gasp.

"My goodness! Bobbie, where did you get those bruises?" She asked shocked.

I looked at my arms, the bruises were darker since I'd taken a shower and gotten all the dirt off my skin. I also discovered that I had them on my back too from where he had pushed me against the wall. I think the fact that I'm so pale made them look worse than they actually were, but Mrs. Curtis thought it was a big deal. I looked around nervously at everyone before glancing at Dani desperately. I hoped she would jump in and help me but she didn't. It was Dallas Winston that spilled the beans.

"Her brother had her against the wall," he says nonchalantly.

Mrs. Curtis shakes her head, but didn't say anything else about it. Everyone stopped talking altogether and started focusing on their food.

After we were all done eating Sodapop announced that he and Dani were going to hang out and nobody else was invited. I panicked a little bit on the inside, I didn't know what I was going to do with her off with Sodapop!

"Are you going to be okay with the guys?" Dani asked while Sodapop was getting ready upstairs.

"I don't know! I don't know any of them, and they're all, well, guys!"

She laughs, "Just stick with Ponyboy and Johnny. Chances are neither of them will make you uncomfortable and they won't do anything illegal."

"Um...Which ones are they again?" I felt lame that I had already forgot who they were, but I guess it was because they were both so quiet.

"That would be them." she points to two guys sitting on the floor watching Mickey Mouse with Two-Bit.

"Hey, Ponyboy! Come here for a second!" She calls, and the one with reddish-brown hair stands up and walks over to us.

"What do you want, Dani?"

"Why don't you and Johnny take Bobbie to a movie so that Dally or Two-Bit or Steve won't mess with her? She's still pretty shy," Dani says. He looks over at me and shrugs.

"I guess that'll be alright, we were gonna go anyway. So she can tag along if she wants."