Rag Doll


I decided to go to the drive-in that night. Ponyboy and Dallas were fine with the idea. Johnnycakes would probably come with us too. Johnny went wherever Dallas went most of the time. The four of us hung out with each other more than anything.

I decided to ask Sodapop, but I figured he might be working tonight.

My assumptions were corrected when Soda told me he wanted to come with us. As long as Sandy could come, he would come with us. I was happy that Dally, Johnny and Pony were going to be there. I wouldn't feel as much as a third wheel.

I decided to wear my leather jacket that night and a pair of faded jeans. With the switchblade Two-Bit bought me for my birthday, I popped a smoke in my mouth. I was ready to go.

"Looking good, chicky," Two-Bit chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Hey, you goin' to the drive-in? I might see you there after I drunk a bit,"

I smiled letting Two-Bit know he was always welcome to join us. I was going to meet Dallas, Johnny and Pony at the lot. And from there, we would head to the drive-in. I wanted some nachos. Real bad.

"HEY! There's a huge rumble tonight in the lot. A couple Socs and a few Greasers. Wanna go watch?" Dallas asked, smirking.

"No thanks, Dal. Not in the mood to get in trouble," I told him, continuing on my way to the drive-in. Ponyboy and Johnny followed.

"Awhh, alright. Have it your way," Dallas moaned.

When we got to the drive-in, I got my nachos and Dallas bought a popcorn for him in the guys. We all settled to watch whatever horror movie was playing. In the front seats, was the girl who let me copy her homework. She looked like she was having no fun with her friend and her friend's boyfriend.

I wondered if she'd like to sit with us...