Status: One shot

A Spider Is Not an Insect, It Is a Monster

All Because I Killed a Spider

I was sitting on the couch, just watching television, when my friend Kikki Rixx who is also 19, came dancing into the living room.

"Rixx, what are you doing?" I asked as I rolled my eyes and laughed as she played air guitar.

"Just bored is all," she pulled out a head phone, then put it back in and walked out of the room, arms out acting like she was flying.

"Ah!!!!!" I heard Kikki scream bloody murder and she has one of those absurdly high screams.

I jumped up and booked it out of the living room and to the source of her scream. I stumbled into the kitchen to find her shaking, crying and on top of the refrigerator. She was so small and nimble.

"What the hell are you doing on top of the fridge?" I laughed and looked up at her.

"Spider!!!!" she whined and pointed, still crying, nearly hyperventilating.

Poor girl, she was so absolutely petrified of spiders. can't even kill them. She shakes and cries to much. Not mention she runs away. I sighed heavily and found a shoe and stomped on the little bugger. It crunched and I shuddered. I hate the stupid crunching noise.

"Gah!" Kikki whined on top of the fridge, she also hated the crunching noise.

"Alright, it's dead Rixx, come on and get down off of the fridge," I smiled assuring her, though I fully knew she wasn't going to come down until the guts were cleaned off the floor, and the spot was disinfected.

Told you she was petrified. I heard the door open and I listened for someone's voice.

"Kikki? Aie? you guys home?" I heard Kikki’s boyfriend, Nao, shout from the front door.

"Yes, we're in the kitchen," I shouted back.

We all live together.

"Oh! Hi guys! Kikki, what're you on the fridge for?" Nao didn't have to look up too much, unlike me the shortie that i am.

"Spider," Kikki mumbled and looked at Nao wide eyed.

"Oh, well, it's dead, come down," Nao looked around then held his arms open for her.

She gingerly climbed down and he cradled her in his arms and cooed calming things to her. he carried her to their room, no doubt to do what they normally do, which is each other.

"I’m going to call up Die and hang out with him and Toshiya. See you guys later." I shouted as I grabbed my coat and slipped into it and walked out of the house as soon as I heard the first loud moan.

I flipped open my cell phone and dialed Die's number. It was awesome knowing all these jrockers and being friends with them. Thank you Nao and Kikki for hooking up. I walked lazily to the local park while I listened to Die's phone ringing.

"Hello?" he answered after what seemed like forever, sending the butterflies in my tummy explode and go crazy.

"Hi Die! I’m bored and Rixx and Nao are going at it," I replied.
"Oh! Hey Aie! when are they not?" he laughed, "Well, I say we hang out then. since I’m absurdly bored as well." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Are you going to bring Toshiya like usual?" I laughed, secretly hoping for once it could be just me and him.

"Well, actually, he's with a girl at the moment, if you know what I mean..." Die trailed off.

"Oh. well then," I blinked rapidly as I sat on the bench.

"So, where do you want to meet up?"

"I’m at the park right now. the one not far from you."

"I’ll be there in a few."


"Bye Aie."

"Bye Die."

We both laughed at the fact that our names rhymed and they rhymed with 'bye'. We both hung up and I waited for Die to meet up with me here at the park. The wind blew and nipped at my exposed cheeks, flushing them a bit and making me pull my coat tighter around my small frame.

"Cold?" I heard someone ask right next to my ear, scaring me.

I screamed loudly and jumped up and stumbled foreword. I heard someone laughing behind me, and I instantly knew who it was. I spun on my heels and attempted to glare at Die, but failed miserably as I took in his gorgeous face and body, bundled up in a scarf, coat, and a hat.

"Diebear! Don't scare me like that!" I tried to not laugh, and yet again, failed miserably.

"But you're cute when you get mad. Or at least TRY to be mad," he laughed and walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me closely to his strong, lean and very warm body.

"Gee, thanks," I rolled my eyes and hugged him back.

"So, let's just chill at my house. As usual, Kyo's sleeping and for once, none of the guys are over. Strike that. Kaoru's over, but I can kick him out," Die smiled down at me.

"Thank you. I don't mind him, but know my dreams. Nightmares," I quickly corrected myself.

Die had me under his arm, leading me to his house. We've hung out there so many times, but I always got nervous until we just relaxed and chilled.

"Kaoru, get out," Die said as we stepped foot into his house and I started pulling my coat off, mirroring Die's actions.

"What?! Why?!" he whined from the living room.

"Because Aie's here. You know about her nightmares. It's not you, it's the nightmares. sorry leader-sama." Die laughed and took my hand and led me to his room, passing Kaoru on the way.

"Sorry Karl, not your fault," I shouted before I was pulled into Die's room.
he flung me onto his bed and bounced on right next to me.

"Ah! Moving fast here aren't you?" I laughed nervously.

"That entirely depends dear Aie. If we were dating, then no, I wouldn't be moving to fast, but we're only friends. And it all depends on what you are thinking my intentions are," he smirked evilly.

"But we aren't dating. And I’m not thinking anything dirty!" I protested than thought about it, "Alright, nothing too dirty," I laughed with Die.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I’m tired of our friendship," he sat up and stared at me with an intensity in his eyes that I’ve never seen before.

"Woah! Are you saying you don't want to be friends anymore?!" I screamed and jumped off the bed, tears blurring my vision.

"Uh, yeah. I am Aie," he said like it was obvious.

Tears poured down my face and sobs escaped my lips.

"Why?!" I blubbered out trying not to break down right in front of him.

"Because I want to be more than just a friend to you," he whispered, that same intensity burning in his eyes.

"Huh?" I asked, absolutely confused, as tears still ravaged down my face.

"I want to be your boyfriend, your lover, all that. on top of being your friend," he gave me that smile that made me first fall for him when we met years ago.

"What?" I wasn't comprehending anything at the moment.

He sighed heavily, the smile now toned down into a smirk, as he got up and walked over to me. He wrapped his hands around my upper arms and leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed back instantly, just more out of reaction, but I didn't stop when I realized what was happening. instead, I wrapped my arms around his torso. Sadly, he broke the chaste kiss.

"Aie, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, cupping my left cheek in his right hand.

"Of course I will Diebear," I grave him a toothy grin.

"Yay! I love your smile Aie. it's so freaking adorable," he smiled and kissed away any straggling tears.

I laughed and hugged him. He picked me up and carried me to the bed and cuddled up with me.

"Let's cuddle," he demanded.

"Fine by me," I giggled and cuddled into his chest while he smoothed down my hair and held me.

We drifted off into dreamland, in each other's warm embrace, while my phone rang to Kikki’s ring tone. I just ignored it. I’d call her back later, because I so didn't want to leave Die's arms anytime soon. Besides, her voice would be all sex like. I didn't want to hear that. I’d wait till later without a doubt. All this happened because I killed a spider.
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Feedback is great. On STORY, not layout.
Here's a quick description of Aie

Die oneshot for Amber (xoxdiebearxox)
Name: Aie
Age: 19
Eyes: Pale blue-almost grey so that they change tints frequently (depending on what she's wearing and such---green, blue, golden, brown, etc. Mine do this XDDD It's freaky :D I love it XP)
Hair: Scene appearance-Strawberry blonde, puffy top, colorful chunks (pink, blue, yellow, purple, green, etc) Goes to mid back. Wears bow clips when she wants her hair out of her eyes, otherwise her bangs totally cover her eyes....yet somehow she can see....
Height: 5 ft (teehee...she's tinier than Kyo XDDD and veeerry skinny)
Basic Look: Tiny, skinny, f'd up teeth XDD (so she doesn't smile much, but it's cute when she does XP) Wears dark eye makeup that makes eye color pop, also wears bright clothes in layers (straight leg, tight pants. Low cut t's or tanks w/cute hoodies. Always bright and mix matched, but it still looks good XP)
Personality: Outgoing, pervy (but not overly gross XP), annoyed easily, nice and caring when you get to know her, speaks her mind