Status: One shot

Live Forever


Lying in the hospital bed with tubes hooked up to your withering body is a living hell, but to see it be done to your loved one was even worse. He watched as his love, his life, was dying in front of him. He clutched her hand to his chest, crying-pleading- for her not to die. Not yet. He still hasn’t told her how much he loves her. Her azure-blue eyes stared at him.

“Don’t leave me Ayumi. I’ll be so lonely with you gone.” Juka whispered to her, for fear his voice would crack even worse than it was.

“My Juka…you know I love you right? I always will, but right now, I am slipping away. I’m not afraid to die, I’m just afraid to lose you. But we must accept the path we are given. God has given me this path, and I’m following it, not by choice though.” Ayumi breathed through pale, paper thin lips.

“Ayumi…” Juka’s voice broke on her name as she smiled and closed her eyes.

“Good night Juka. I will always be in your heart love….” her voice was merely a slurred mumble, but Juka knew he’d miss it.

Her breathing slowed, as did her heartbeat, and she had her last breath right in front of him. His misty eyes widened and his breathing came out in shudders. His shoulders shook with sobs as he whispered ‘no’ over and over, and buried his face in her neck. His tears stained her fragile skin. Other broken sobs filled the room, weaving in with Juka’s own sobs.

The rain was like a hazy mist, as if droplets of wet glitter were being showered along everything. Ayumi’s coffin was carried out of the church, and you could hear the little pitter patter of the rainy mist along the lid as she was carried to the awaiting hearse. They slowly slid the coffin in. everyone was morbidly silent, quieter then Ayumi herself.

Juka could picture her face perfectly in his head as they lowered her coffin down in the cold hard ground. She didn’t belong here, with the others. The eternally silent. He choked on the lump in his throat as the first shovel of dirt cascaded down. He couldn’t watch. He hung his head and his eyes fluttered shut, and he watched Ayumi’s face from behind his eyelids.

He remembered her beauty. He remembered how her long chestnut hair fluttered in the autumn breeze. Her large eyes when she wanted something. Her full luscious lips. Her cute little nose. Her perfect curves. He remembered the time her spent with her. So much fun. Autumn was her favorite season, and she lived for it….and died for it as well.

When they were done, he slowly stood and tears poured from his eyes, and he did not bother to wipe them away. It was as if while he walked away, the wind was Ayumi’s breath, and caressed the hot tears. The wind picked up, and Juka hugged himself. He already missed her arms around him. He bit his lip to hold in a sob. He sniffled and this time, he looked up at the gray sky. The sky and the wispy clouds looked like one of Ayumi’s watercolor paintings. He frowned, realizing how hard it would be to forget her.

“Then don’t forget me.” someone whispered in his ear.

He spun around and found no one there. The rain was no longer spotting up the white tombstones. The leaves on the ground scattered in the wind as it ripped through his hair. He felt like someone was breathing against the back of his neck. He spun on his heels, heart pounding and once again found nothing. He did a 360 spin, and no one was in the cemetery. He shook his head. That’s when he heard a woman’s chuckle carry on the wind. No, it wasn’t a woman’s chuckle…it was Ayumi’s chuckle.

~present day~

It was going on two years since Ayumi passed on. Juka still can’t forget her. No matter how hard he tries. Today was the day he was going to visit her. It was about mid fall, so there were gold, orange, red, and yellow leaves flittering along the walk up the hill to where Ayumi’s body was with the other eternally silent. He carried a single red rose and a tiger lily, Ayumi’s favorite kind of flowers. He bit his lower lip and clenched his empty hand into a fist as he entered the gate. He took the all too familiar path to her final resting place. He kneeled down on one knee and tears pricked the corner of his eyes. They trembled, blurred his vision, and brimmed over. A wind breathed across his skin. He shuddered and trailed his fingertips carefully over his lost lover’s name. a stronger and more persistent wind blew at him and tore through the air. He hung his head momentarily and the wind picked up to an insanely strong gust, nearly knocking him over. He stood up.

“Juka, I miss you love….” he heard Ayumi’s voice whisper through the trees.

His head snapped up instantly.

“Ayumi?” he whispered, voice so fragile almost as fragile as his heart.

“Yes Juka. Turn around dear, please.” her voice caressed him along the arms, in a way only her hands could.

He slowly, and morbidly, turned around. He gasped. There before him stood Ayumi. She was glowing, literally. Her chestnut hair was now pale and translucent, along with the rest of her body. She seemed to glide to him more then anything. Her ghostly hands traced his features until they rested on his lips. He was still stared in amazement.

“Can’t you see me love?” she sounded worried.

“Ayumi, of course I can see you. But you’re dead. How can you be standing in front of me?” his voice wavered.

“I’m not physically standing here; it is merely my spirit dear. Living humans would call me a ghost. I’ve been around here for so long. I can’t leave the graveyard. I can’t just leave my body. I would die and my spirit would cease to exist. If that happened, you would not feel the wind that you feel when you come to me, or hear my voice whispering to you while you think about us.” her voice was pained, like the day she died.

“Ayumi, I love you so much. I’ve tried forgetting about you, but I just can’t.” Juka longed to touch her face.

Her face crumpled in pain.

“Juka, how could forget me?” her voice filled with hurt.

“I can’t. I will never forget you. Don’t you understand Ayumi? We had true love. I can’t forget you, no matter how hard I try. I just want to get over the pain.” Juka tried to grab her hand, but his hand passed through hers with a little smoke left from his hand through hers.

“Juka.” just his name in her pained voice, crushed his heart even more, if there was anything left to crush.

“Ayumi, I will never forget you.” Juka whispered.

“But you tried.” her words carried away in the wind.

“No, I tried to forget the pain. Not you.” Juka pleaded for her to forgive him.

“So, I will never be forgotten?” her lips tight and full again moved slightly as she tried to keep the agony out of her voice.

“Never.” Juka whispered back.

“Would you give your life to be with me?” she whispered, hatred for what she was about to do to him.

“Of course.” he said heatedly as he gazed into her ghost eyes.

“Then give it to me.” she whispered and with that she pressed her lips to his, and the more they stayed on, the more solid her lips became on his.

His throat burned and he choked, his eyes flying open. He clawed at his throat, finding no relief until Ayumi pulled her lips off his. He stared at her, and she was still transparent and looked like she would blow away in the wind like smoke, but Juka placed a trembling hand on her cheek, cupping it, to find that she was solid like if she was human. She leaned into his touch, a smile and sigh escaping her lips. They hugged each other.

“Sorry love, but I just took your life Juka. You are now dead.” Ayumi’s voice sounded troubled.

“What? No, I’m not dead.” Juka sounded nervous.

“Look down Juka. You’ll see I’m right.” Ayumi hung her head.

Juka looked down and found they were floating over his body, now a shell that held once important organs, but now that they were no use to him, they were just in a case.

“So, then we’re dead together?” Juka swallowed hard as he tried to accept the fact he was no longer living.

“Eternally.” her voice cracked.

Juka smiled and shoved his lips on hers, taking her by surprise but she quickly overcame that and kissed back.
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Feedback is great. On STORY, not layout. I cried while writing the hospital and death scene, when I originally wrote this. Just sayin'.