Status: Fin

Killing Purple

Light my candles in a daze

Ring. Ring, "Colin?"
"Dylan." He sighed.
"Hey, hi. Let's hang out."
He snorted, "What the fuck do you want from me, Dylan?"
The line went dead.
I could feel the hurt register, though it wasn't anything new. I was unacceptable. I was gross. I was fat.
Fat, fat, fat. The word covered my thighs, arms, stomach. Fat was the only word I needed anymore. I wanted to be skinny, 80 pounds. No more than 80 pounds. I would do anything to reach that, even defacing my flesh.
Another cut, another slice. Everything was nice.
The bathroom spun, went red, focused, spun. I heard my body hit the floor, heard the crack of my head hitting the linoleum. What frightened me, though, was that I couldn't feel a thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Is it sad that I found extreme humor in the fact that to get the story to that box ^ I use the 'cut' option? Haha, it's funny, though.
I'm going to get the gasp very last chapter written write after I post this. Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow (or Halloween) to post it.
Gonna be great.