Shut Your Mouth When I'm Talking To You

Chapter One

Chapter one

Beep, Beep
"Rise and shine you beautiful people," Meike’s radio belted out. "Time to get up and live today to the fullest, live every day as though it was your last!! And remember, SMILE! ……."

Meike blindly thrashed her hand around for the snooze button on her radio.
"Why does the one station my crappy alarm radio pick up have to be classic hits? Who the hell wants to start their day listening to old peoples music?" Meike moaned inwardly, as she fell out of bed taking her duvet with her.
As she lay in her cocoon on the floor she cried out to no one in particular

Pulling her hair in to a ponytail she jogged down the stairs to the hollow silence of an empty house.
Glancing at the clock she mentally calculated that she had around 16 minutes 30 seconds to eat, dress, and to get to work on time.
As she hopped around the kitchen pulling on her jeans and eating her marmite on toast, she grabbed an apple and a pack of gum and jumped out the window (why go out the door when you can take the window?)
She turned the corner letting herself get excited about driving to work, until she realized just because you have your restricted license doesn't mean your mum will leave you the car.
"Crap," she thought, "how the hell am I going to get to work?"

Meike looked around hopelessly, willing a solution to jump out of the bushes ……
"That’s it!" she cried as she leapt into the bushes, and cleaning away the rogue ivy, she found a pair of rusty handle bars and pulled her old bike out, glancing at her watch she saw she had wasted 4 minutes, that gave her precisely 7 minutes 45 seconds. Without checking the bike she jumped on the wobbly seat and took off over the hill. As she came to the top Meike could see her work fastly approaching,
"Sweet," she thought as bits of her dark hair flicked across her face, "I'm going to make it."

And then she lost all control of her bike

Meike heard a 'SNAP' and turned her head to investigate as the chain of her bike was flying behind her onto the footpath.
"oh..shit," she thought, "Is that bad?" he question was quickly answered as her bike reached 50, 60 possibly 70km/h. She tried putting on the brake but alas, the pedals just spun around pathetically.
For a moment the thought that she could die passed through her mind, but that idea was promptly dismissed as a pedestrian started to cross the road about 20 meters in front of her speeding bike.
She spun her handlebars around and dug in the heels of her favourite chucks, in a desperate attempt to stop. Miraculously as she came to the base of the hill she stopped within half a meter of the person, but in the true nature of deceleration she toppled over sideways onto the totally oblivious walker, bringing both of them down.

"Omigod, omgigod, omgigod, shit, shit, shit, shit, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" she panted to herself.
She examined her hands, arms, and legs, a few minor grazes but nothing really. Her chucks were pretty munted but it seemed a small price to pay compared with what could have been.
Meike collapsed backwards from shock.
It was only then that she noticed she was still on top of someone. She scrambled up, off the person in a hurry and turned round to help them up.

She was staring at a very dazed looking guy who was now sporting a pair of mangled earphones and examining a pair of broken glasses. She instantly went red in the face horrified at the damage she has caused and the fact that she had bowled this guy over.
"Omigod, I am sooo sorry, are you okay?" she asked as his glasses completely broke in two.
He mumbled something about being all right and needing new glasses anyway. Meike felt awful and swore she would pay for all the damage she caused, but she had to run because work started in 2 minutes and if she had any hope of paying him back then she needed to be there on time. She didn't even wait for an answer as she pulled a pen out of her pocket and scrawled her number and name on his hand. "Call me about payment," she called out as she threw the bike back to the bushes and sprinted off to work.

She bounded through the door to work, just in time, 23 seconds to spare!!
"Yus!" she thought, and walked behind the Photoshop counter.
She sighed as she caught sight of her reflection in the window, her chucks were ripped and the rubber was worn right down, not to mention the massive rips she had around her ankles.