Shut Your Mouth When I'm Talking To You

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter 14

Meike stood there slightly dumbfounded. Why had they decided to befriend (if you could call it that) her? They were obviously, and Meike cringed at the cliché, the ‘popular’ group.

As she stared after them in bemusement Meike realised that their school blouses were missing the top button. Meike looked down at her top, she too had one less button.
She then noticed that their skirts were about 2 cm shorter than everyone else’s.
Meike looked down and saw that her skirt was also that bit shorter.
She moved her eyes down to the specifically position socks and leather, Mary-Jane shoes they were all wearing.
Once again Meike glanced at her feet. Her socks were the ‘right’ length and she already knew she had the right shoes.
She also noticed that Bridget and the clones were all wearing their hair out, compared with the pony-tail most other girls were wearing. Meike thought back to the car when her Mother took away her hair tie,

She cursed to herself. Her Mother had certainly done her research. She saw some girl walk past, her bag covered in badges and writing. Meike’s Mother had taken the badges off Meike’s MacPac, saying they weren’t allowed at St Vincent’s.
“Bullshit,” Thought Meike. Her Mother just wanted her to fit in with this group. The only reason they talked to her was entirely because of the fact that she was sort of tall, slim and wore her uniform the ‘right’ way.

She turned towards the school building, mentally running her Mother over with her new convertible. This thought calmed Meike slightly, and as she entered the student support office she had a half smile on her face.

A lady was sitting at the desk, talking on the phone, she motioned for Meike to sit on a couch against the wall and wait. Meike sat next to a girl obviously waiting for the dean or something.

The girl was small, with masses of blonde hair, crudely put into unbrushed pigtails. She had black eyeliner and 2 metal studs in each ear (the most the school would allow). She had coloured in a checkerboard pattern along the top of her socks and the stitching of her blouse, and Meike noticed she had a ‘misfits’ sticker stuck across her bag.
Meike couldn’t help but smile; this girl seemed way more genuine than Bridget and her nameless friends/clones.
The girl was drawing in a sketchbook, but Meike couldn’t see what she was drawing.
Meike turned towards the Girl.
“Hey.” She said. The girl looked up in surprise, not sure if the greeting was directed at her.
“I’m Meike,” Meike continued. The girl fixed Meike with a suspicious look.
“You’re new aren’t you?” She said bluntly.
‘Geez,’ Thought Meike, ‘The people at this school aren’t particularly friendly.’
“Umm, yea.” Meike replied nervously, “I came from Evergreen.”
The girl gave Meike the once-over and set her with another look as if to say, why are you talking to me?

Meike sighed as she realised this girl probably thought she was some preppy bitch, humoring herself.
For the second time in about 15 minutes Meike cursed her Mother. However she was determined to not be judged by how she (shudder) looked.
“So what is your name then?” Meike asked trying to sound as un-preppy as she possibly could.

Once again the girl eyed Meike suspiciously, But she answered,
“Polly. But I sometimes get called Poison.” She added this last bit like a question, daring Meike to laugh or make some preppy comment.
However Meike just smiled and continued conversation.
“You have a misfits sticker on your bag,” Meike pointed out “Awesome.”
Polly furrowed her brow in a confused but approving way.
Suddenly the door into student reception opened and some of Bridget’s friends walked through.
“Oh look it’s the clones” Meike said to herself, and then she quickly put her hand to her mouth, hoping they didn’t hear her. She didn’t really want to be making enemies when she didn’t even have friends.
Polly, hearing Meike’s comment, let out an amused snort.
Bridget’s nameless friends, hearing the snort, turned around. They noticed Meike first.
“Meike!!” They all said in unison, “Like, Hey!!”
They all fixed her with huge plastic smiles.
“Ummm…..hi…..” Meike replied uncertainly.
They girls eyes all moved over to Polly. They gave her the ‘once-over’ and smirked at her appearance. A few let out a laugh. They all turned their attention back to Meike.
“See you at lunch!!” They smiled, with those same fake smiles. Giving Polly one final disapproving look, they continued through the other door.
Polly rolled her eyes and turned to Meike.
“Not so hot on Bridget’s friends then?”
“mmmm…” Meike said in an unenthusiastic way.
“Well, they seem to like you, which is very uncommon with them.” Polly said. She stopped and thought for a moment,
“Well," she began, “The question is….” Meike looked at her,
“Will you use your powers for good, or for evil?” Polly finished with a slight smile.
Meike laughed. She liked this girl.

The dean’s door opened and a boy came out indicating that the next student should go in. Meike watched as Polly went in and sat in the office by herself.
After a while the door opened and Polly and the dean came out.
The dean caught sight of Meike and realized she must be the new student.
“Ah Meike! Hello welcome to St Vincent’s!”
“Oh umm thanks,” Meike replied.
The dean briefly talked to Meike about the timetable and then informed her that she should probably get to class.

Meike walked down the deserted corridor as she heard bits of classes through each door.
She looked down at her timetable, D16 was her class. She passed D14, D15 then D16. She turned into the class and knocked on the door.
The teacher stopped mid-speech and turned towards Meike.
“Yes?” She asked.
“Hi, I'm new and umm this is my first class.” Meike said, slightly awkwardly now that she realized the whole class was watching her.
“Ah yes, Mikie Haszard.” The teacher said mis-pronouncing Meike’s name.
“Its Meike,” Meike corrected.
“Yes, of course,” The teacher said not listening, “Please take a seat.”

Meike turned towards the class, looking for a spare seat, she groaned inwardly as she noticed one of the clones was in her class.
The clone motioned for Meike to sit by her, and unfortunately for Meike, that was the one of the only seats left the other being right behind it.
Meike walked over to the desk and slumped down into it, dropping her bag to the floor.
“Ok class,” The teacher began, “Get out a pen and a piece paper, we are going to write out class objectives for the year.”
Everybody groaned as they pulled out their folders and pencil cases.
“Yup” thought Meike sarcastically,
“Schools going to be great….”