Shut Your Mouth When I'm Talking To You

Chapter Twenty Six

With the already small car now crammed with six people, Meike was forced to sit on Mikey’s knee (he claimed he could hold the most mass. ) and he continued to crack jokes about her and her weight for the entire trip.
It didn’t help that Meike was wearing a miniskirt.

Gerard pulled into a car yard with a sign saying ‘Bill’s Used Cars” . All six tumbled out of the car and were given strange looks.
Gerard’s eyes lit up and he immediately walked up to a black …well Meike didn’t know much about car brands, but it was black.
“This is the one I want.”
Mikey looked confused, “But Gee, you only just got here, you haven’t even looked around yet. Are you sure?”
“I don’t care. I want this one.”
Meike nudged Mikey, “He looks pretty determined.”
Gerard heard this and replied, “Damn straight I’m determined, and this is my DREAM car.”
Polly peered into the car. “Uh…..its got no seat belts…”
Polly looked muddled,
“And………’s got no seat belts.”
“That just means he will get it cheaper.” piped up Ray.
Meike went around the back to inspect. “It also has one tail light.”
Gerard looked up,
Meike laughed,
“You seem to be drawn to cars with a history of damage.”
Gerard crossed his arms, resembling a young child.
“I don’t care, I still want it.” He said stubbornly
“You really, really want it?” Meike asked.
“I really, really want it… only its five thousand dollars, and I only have four grand.”
“Five grand for this piece of junk?”
“Its not JUNK! Its my dream car. I don’t care what you think, I’m going to go haggle the price down…”
With that he walked off in the direction of ‘Bill’s” office.
Ray got in the drivers seat and started to pretend he was driving it.
“Whoooooo! Pish! Rerrr rerrr!”
While the others were laughing Meike pointed out that it would look more realistic if he closed the door.
Ray closed the door.
The wing mirror fell off.
Ray looked guilty.
“I SWEAR it was already like that.”
Frank picked up the wing mirror and threw it.
“Poison, catch!”
The mirror sailed over Mikey’s head and Polly made a dive to catch it. She held it high over her head like a kind of trophy, “SCORE! Piggy in the middle.”
Mikey looked aghast as he realized he was the piggy.
“No fair guys!”