Shut Your Mouth When I'm Talking To You

Chapter Four

Chapter 4

They looked at Meike. Gerard gently shook her
“Meike, your doors locked, wahda we do?” he whispered into her ear,
He hadn’t met her parents and didn’t want to meet them at this time of night (or rather, morning)
Meike moaned something hardly audible but the guys picked up on “pot plant”.
The boys looked at the pot plant. In fact they looked at all ten pot plants. All lined up on the porch. This could be a long night.

Frank picked the first pot plant and turned it up-side down. Its contents scattered all over the porch but there was no key. Gerard picked up the second pot plant and copied Frank,
They heard the sound of metal on wood and scrambled around to find the key.

As Frank opened the door (praying that there would be no alarm) a piece of paper fell to the ground. It had been jammed in there by the last person to close the door. Frank picked it up and read it aloud.

Mum and Dad (a.k.a Parentals)
I have gone around the corner to a friend’s house. We will be having fun. If you want to call please let it be urgent because as I said, we will be having fun. This fun will be lasting a long time but I should be back tonight.
Your only child,

“Looks like no-one is home,” commented Gerard
“I can see that you jerk,” Frank snapped
“Well are you gunna help me take her up the stairs or what?” Gerard asked, “She weights a ton.”
“Her room is UPSTAIRS?” Frank whisper yelled, “You’ve got to be kidding me!,” He moaned.
“Shush! You’ll wake her!” It was Gerard’s turn to snap.
“Well come on Gee, grab a leg…” Frank said none too enthusiastically.

Together the boys lugged her upstairs. It was a wonder she remained asleep. Meike wasn’t heavy, nor was she big in anyway. But Frank and Gerard’s lack of participation in physical activities made lifting her limp body up the stairs extremely hard.
The moon was bright and it shone through Meike’s bedroom windows, lighting up the room, so the boys had no use for lights.
They took off her shoes and put her in the bed still in her clothes. Frank tucked her in as Gerard texted Mikey about where they were.
“Mikey is probably still asleep.” Gerard said tucking his phone into his back pocket. “Last time I saw him he was looking pretty comfy with Ray….heh heh that’s a good thing to tease him about tomorrow…”
Frank laughed and then took a look around the room.
“Uh, Gee?” He asked
“Uh huh?”
“I feel kind of bad that no-one is here, why don’t we stay the night?”