Status: Keep Runnin

Like Our Love, Killjoys Will Never Die

I Don't Give A ***

Gerard's Point of View

Frank stalked out of the backroom, leaving me standing with my head hung low.

I sighed and headed out of the room.

"Wow Gerard. You screwed up. Big time." I muttered to myself as I closed the door behind me.

"Actually, Poison," Mikey's voice rang out, making me jump, "you screwed up a long time ago when you asked Lindsey to be your girlfriend."

He smirked. He knew. Fucking Mikey... Smart motherfucker.

I rolled my eyes as he walked off and averted my gaze to Lindsey.

She was sound asleep, I could hear her breathing from where I was. A strand of her black hair was over her upper lip, looking like she had a mustache. I chuckled to myself at that fact, but then calmed myself.

Mikey was probably right... If I wouldn't have asked Lindsey to be my girlfriend, Frank wouldn't have all these emotional problems.. We'd probably be dating. I wouldn't have to worry about Lindsey, I would have to worry about Frank who was always by my side anyway.

I was about to go to Lindsey and wake her, but she would know something was up and bug me until I told her. She was good at that. Very persistant. A lot like me.

Instead, I headed out of the Diner to go after Frank. I wanted to talk to him... I needed to talk to him. Maybe he didn't really like me. Maybe... Maybe he was just playing around, or joking. It was possible. I fucked around with him, he fucked around with me. We did this to each other all the time.

The night before, though... That couldn't have been fake.. Too real. Frank couldn't have acted that out. He was really scared and worried. I was worried for him. It was me. Frank had dreamed that Lindsey killed me. I couldn't shake that thought from my head. It was impossible. The feelings he had for me... All those times... They must've been real. He loved me.

No. I had to find out. He knew I was with Lindsey. He knew I belonged with Lindsey. I loved her. Frank had to deal with that. I couldn't break up with Lindsey, not after all that we had been through. I couldn't call it off with her. As Mikey said, I screwed up when I asked Lindsey to be mine. I couldn't do anything over. I had ruined things already.

Frank and I couldn't be, and it was my fault.
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy shit this chapter is short... I'm sorry, but an update is an update, righ?

I hope you guys enjoy this. I'm not very happy with it, but I guess it'll have to do.
