Status: Keep Runnin

Like Our Love, Killjoys Will Never Die

Her Dirty Little Secret

Gerard's P.O.V

I watched with creeping horror as images that I thought I should never see flashed upon the nearly cracked laptop screen. 

My initial reaction was pure shock and horror.

 At first, I thought of the video to be a hoax. But, the again, how would it be a hoax? 

The only thing that made this weirdly abnormal was that there wasn't, at all, any audio. There were captions at the very bottom of the screen so that whoever watched this horrible video could read what was happening.

I truly am sick to my stomach over what that video revealed. I don't even know what to think, I don't know what to feel. 

My emotions are pretty fucked up right now, because of the confusion of my wimpy and petty love-life. 

Should my emotions take me as far as destroying this distressing and repulsive video?

 No, this isn't an unwanted video of a sex-tape. 

Its remarkable proof that could, and definitely will, end the relationship of Lindsey and I. 

I snapped the laptop close with disgust and stared at Lindsey. She stared back at me, and I wondered if she even knew what was on this document. 

I removed my lazy self from the hard floor with only the problem of my limbs being half asleep. 

Lindsey stared at me dumbly as I fiercely gripped her somewhat small, pale hand and dragged her body outside our current residence. 

My eyes glared into her pretty little head, the same one I was in love with.

Or was I? 

Was I ever in love with her? 

Was ever getting involved with her, getting intimate with her, doing all those couple things with her, a tremendous mistake? 

I choked on my words, for I tried to open my mouth to speak to her, but I couldn't find myself to. 

How dare she give information to BL/nd? How fucking dare she?

I took out the memory card out of the small slot in the beat up laptop. On it was a sliver of ducktape with the name Lindsey on it. 

I handed it to her and told her, "Go."

"What?" she asked, the poor thing confused. She didn't fucking deserve my sympathy. 

"Don't fucking act like I don't know what you did Lindsey. How dare you reveal information to BL/nd, mm? You've been going around our backs trading secrets and giving us hints so we can fight to our deaths!" I screamed at her, no longer being able to contain my fury.

Her beautiful, now completely and downright ugly, eyes filled with useless tears. 

Her face now held an expression of depression and rejection, but I don't give a fuck about her stupid emotions. 

She looked at me long and hard before handing me back the memory card I had handed her, and running off into the desert. 

And I watched her go, with no emotion, just pure emptiness. I watched her run away from me, not feeling a thing. 

I hoped I wouldn't regret this decision. I felt a tad bit guilty, saying we could find her body, dead body, on the roadside. 

But then, I noticed. 

She was headed towards Battery City.


Fucking bitch.

After all we've fucking been through.

I spit in disgust on where she was previously standing. I kicked the sand, my boots developing a thin layer of the yellowish brown particles. 

My leather jacket wrapped around my shoulders, I headed back into the diner, to face the rest.

Walking into the beat up place was a hard thing to do, but I successfully made it inside. My loyal companions stared at me, expecting an explanation for the scene that I had just created outside. 

But I only wanted to speak with Frank.

No, I needed to talk to him.

My heart almost broke as I laid eyes on Frank. 

He's so beautiful, its almost heart breaking.

"Fun Ghoul. Back of the diner. Now." I barked at him. 

My lovely brother flashed a glare in my direction, no doubt worried about his companion's feelings.

 I nodded in my only sibling's direction, assuring him that, hopefully, no feelings would be hurt.

"Jet Star. Quick, act fast!" I said loudly and tossed the memory card. He grinned and caught the item with his gloved hands. 

I handed the laptop to my brother who whispered, "If you-" 

"I know." I replied in a quick whisper whilst staring into his similar hazel eyes which we inherited from our long-gone parents.

Frank simply looked confused and slightly terrified. I don't blame him at all, saying I can be equally as terrifying as a protective mother brown bear. 

Or maybe a lion would be more accurate. Whatever.

I held his pale skinny wrist, and glanced at his numerous tattoos sketched permanently onto his arms.

 I had always respected them, saying that I was an artist and any form of ink, sketching, painting, etc. was art. 

Hell, anything can be art.

To me, Fun Ghoul is art.

 Frank Iero is art. 

He is beautiful, even on his bad days. 

His hair never falls in quite the same way over his face. 

His eyes, sometimes different colors, but mostly hazel. 

When he was concentrating hard on something, he would chew his lip a little bit. 

His jeans were skin tight, and made him look pretty much orgasmic.

As we walked to the back of the diner, I turned my body to stare into his eyes. He looked away, but I put a finger under his chin and lifted his head up so he could gaze into my hazel eyes. 

And we stayed in that position, our breathes colliding through the humid air, our eyes met, our mouths centimeters, just a few centimeters, apart. I shut my eyes and leaned in slowly to connect our lips.

From there on was nothing but pure bliss. 

Our lips pressed together, moving slowly and passionately, almost as if they were instructed or demanded to. 

I pushed him roughly against the back of the diner, our kiss now a tad bit more lustful. He bit my lower lip causing me to shudder from pleasure. His hands tangled up with my red hair as he pulled me even closer.

We could've and would've probably stayed there forever, but we heard a bark and pulled away to see Jumper looking up at us.

"Gerard..." Frank croaked.

" you, Frank." I managed to choke out.

"Like..." he nodded, and shoved me away. "Is that all you can say?" 

I looked down to my worn up boots, ashamed of myself.

 What was I even fucking thinking, leading him on like that?

I watched him rush back into the diner. I screamed in frustration and punched the back wall. Why?

My life has been nothing but rejection. Pre-school, high-school, art school, work, my parents and now Frank? 

The only thing people like about me is my looks, style, and what I do out here in the desert. But I know Frank doesn't just go by the looks.

I think back to that video. Oh my god, the video. I looked down at my boots in complete disgust. I do not believe what I saw.

The video contained footage of Lindsey giving information about us KillJoys. Her just saying things about us. And the things she said about me.

I'm horrible.

She doesn't love me.

Well then, if I know her dirty little secret, she should know mine.

"I'm in love with my best friend." I whispered to pretty much no one.

I turned when I heard a bark. Jumper was staring up at me with large eyes. 

I chuckled weakly and gave him a scratch behind the ears. He licked me before trotting off in another direction.

I watched him go until he turned his body and barked at me as if I should follow the dog. I shrugged and walked after the dog.

Jumper started trotting faster in faster until he was pretty much running and I jogged after him until the dog stopped. 

The dog started digging at the sand/dirt and something appeared after a few moments of tireless digging. I squinted my eyes and and picked up a piece of paper. 

I bit my lip and then read the note which read:

 'Now you know the truth about her. 

What is your next move, Poison?'

I whistled and glanced around wildly. I mean there is a greater chance this note is from a KillJoy but who? It looked like familiar hand writing though...

I shook my head and dropped the letter, the wind picking it up and blowing it far away, off into the desert. 

We turned around and jogged slowly to the diner. Stepping in the diner, I already felt everyone's eyes on me.

I stood there awkwardly until my brother cleared his throat and spoke.

"Well, we all know her secret now. We can just get on with our lives now. Gerard, we're here for you, remember that." he announced.

I smiled but that smile quickly faded as he whispered in my ear "Stay away from Frank."

I sighed.

Well, her dirty little secret is out and it just ruined my life.

And trust me, she better be prepared for what I have in store for her.

Because it is not going to be pretty, or beautiful, at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry its late and its short. It should be ten times longer but my brother is in the hospital so I've been busy. Comments would really help me feel better, but hey. It least I updated. My boyfriend and co-authors would appreciate some comments, eh? (My boyfriend, who is 17 and shares the name Mikey with Mikey Way and a few others just, just so you know...)
Eh, I'm content with this chapter.
The note, isn't from anyone 'bad' or 'evil' just so you know.
Thank for all the comments! We love you!
xoxo fuck sincerely

P.S Sorry for any fuck ups.