That Girl


“Poor guy never stood a chance,” Matt looked at me, “you’re a bitch.”

“When a guy resorts to stalking,” I said walking down the ladder, “you know it’s time to cut it off.” I took my apron off and threw it at him, “now, I think Clarissa can handle the rest of the night, because the party is a little far away, so we should probably leave now.”

“Where,” he looked at me.

“Azusa,” I said giving him the please look.

He smiled, “I really hate you sometimes.”

“It’s mutual,” I looked up as we headed out and to his car, “we are meeting at my friend Maddy’s house in Glendale and then we are caravanning over because I have no idea how to get there.” I threw my bag into the back seat of his car and hopped in. “No peaking, pervert,” I said as I started to change. I hopped back into the front seat when I was done and started applying makeup and fidgeting with my hopeless hair.

“Woah,” Matt looked over at me, “what happened to the girl who never wore skirts, I miss her.”

“Whore’s have more fun Matt,” I smiled.

He did the same, “I’ll drink to that.” It was an interesting car ride seeing as we got lost on our way and had to call the people we were supposed to be following for directions. I made him speed up because I thought I knew where I was going. And we passed them, I stuck my tongue out at Ashley, and then we got lost.

“It took you long enough,” Kim jumped on me, “I’ve been putting up with…” She looked past me at Matt and then at me, “seriously, why are you always inviting him.” Kim and Matt had a past, but they were still virtually my two best friends. So therefore I force them to put up with each other.

“It’s less invite and more blackmailing me into chauffeuring her around,” he glared at me before turning to Kim, “not to mention forcing me to follow a stray dog for three blocks as she opened the door and tried to call it over.”

Kim laughed, “she would.”

I rolled my eyes, "well someone get me a drink and we can really start this party."

"Get it yourself bitch," Kim said, "by the way you look extra fantastic, I've never been so proud of my little girl." She made a motherly face and then shook her head, "I hope someone brought their camera because this night must be documented."

"I think you owe me a drink," I glared at Kim, "that stupid guy from you know came to work today." I saw Ashley walk over, she sort of had a crush on Matt, but as much as I tried to sell her it happened that Matt was as shallow as a kiddy pool. She was looking back and forth between all three of us.

Kim smiled, "awe, I think it's adorable how hard he's trying."

I rolled my eyes, "not to mention extremely creepy."

"Oh stop over analyzing this," she looked at me seriously, "he's fucking cute, he's fucking romantic and he's in fucking love with you, bitch. I say you take advantage of the situation before your awful personality screws you over." I glared at her as she just smirked at me in victory.

"Too late," Matt snorted. I sent a glare in his direction and he continued, "naturally she was a total bitch to him at the store, she teases and she lies."

"Some friends you guys are," I turned to Ashley expectantly and she kind of stared at me blankly searching for something to say. She was a crowd pleaser, couldn't really be mean if she tried.

"Well, um, speaking of guys," she said, "Micheal's been looking for you."

I made a disgusted face, "he can keep looking, there's four of us and a completely empty beer pong table over there." I smiled as I made my way over to the table. "Kim is on my team," I grabbed her by the arm, "because we're partners for life and she hates you Matt." He was disappointed because he'd be next to Ashley.

It wasn't going to be hard beating them, but you gotta hate when it comes down to that one last cup and you just can't get it. That's where Kim and I were, and Ashley really sucks and she won't drink so Matt has to drink twice the amount. "Shit," I burst out as Matt finally landed the little ball in one of the three cups we had left, "I think that's mine." Kim nodded as I took the cup and threw it back.

I was about to toss the ball when someone wrapped their arms around my waist, "there she is." I turned to see Micheal's semi-charming face smiling at me. I just laughed at him as he gave me a cheesy peck to the cheek.

"Celeb shot," I gave him the ball, "better make it." He tossed it, close, but a miss. The Ahs from us and all the people in line to play winner. He turned around and shrugged while giving a somewhat guilty smile. He was leaning back on the table and I kissed him. Yeah I was a new person. I looked over at Kim after the fact, wide-eyed with her hand over her open mouth. "Don't act like it's so weird," I shoved her shoulder, "it's just a fucking kiss."

"I love the new slutty Sienna," she said.