That Girl


"... and then I looked behind me and he was staring at some slut," she continued her long winded complaint about some guy. And I rolled my eyes. "It turns out he knew her and that is the only reason he came to the stupid thing," she let out an angry huff, "because she invited him."

I sat on her bed upside-down looking at my friend and just shrugged, "well, was she hot?"

She glared at me as if I had just risen demons from the fire of hell. And I rose my eyebrow beckoning for her to answer the question. "I guess," she said with spite before crossing her arms, "you know, if you're into short skirts and too much makeup."

I shrugged once more, "and I know you haven't exactly discussed the relationship, because as long as I've known you that is something you avoid." She opened her mouth to object and I cut her off, "admit it, this is the first time not taking that crucial step has bitten you in the ass and you are upset because for the first time since Matt you aren't in charge."

"Are you ever really on my side," she glared at me. I smiled and nodded and then she whined, "it's not like you've ever defined a relationship."

I looked at her, "I've had a relationship?"

"There was Billy," she looked at me sternly.

"Billy," I pointed to her, "the guy that I agreed to go to homecoming with only to have him call me heartless the very next Monday?"

She looked at me blankly, "you came to the pre-party in shorts and a tee-shirt and told him you'd take the group photo, but that you couldn't go anymore because you were going to a silly football game."

"UCLA against USC is not a silly football game," I pointed, "and I'm not saying he didn't have a right to be angry, I'm merely saying it wasn't a relationship."

She shrugged, "I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with you, but you haven't exactly defined your current relationship." She gave me an expectant look.

I turned to her in fake shock, "I'm in a relationship?"

"Shut up bitch," she spat out.

I rolled my eyes and looked at her leaning against the counter, "so I'm not taking it real seriously, we're together without being together." I took a bite of whatever was in reaching distance of me, which in this case was extra brownie. "Getting emotionally attached is not on my agenda," I shook my head, "I see where that leads to."

"Leads to," she laughed, "you mean like love?"

"No," I shook my head.

"Oh please spare me the I don't believe, shit," she gave me the 'come on' expression.

"No," I shook my head, "every time you care about something," I pointed at her, "you get hurt, and you cry in my house and eat my God damn ice cream." I shrugged taking another bite of the brownies, "promised myself I'd never be like that."

"I have serious doubts that your human side could overcome the robot long enough to force tears," she looked at me.

I threw an oven mitt at her, only because it was in my generally vicinity and I knew it would cause no damage. "Bitch," I laughed, "I'm serious, I'm fucking sensitive."

"As sensitive a serial killer," she stuck her tongue out.

I covered the brownies and smiled, "please tell me you have something entertaining planned, my toy doesn't come back till tomorrow." She looked at me with her eyebrow raised because she was usually the one who needed to do stuff, while I was the one who just anted to watch tv. "Come on," I begged, "let's do something crazy."

"How about at mid night we drive over to the ghetto, buy chicken and waffles and see how many creepy guys hit on us," she smiled a cheeky smile.

"I love you," I jumped on her, "only you would think of that when I say crazy."