That Girl


I looked down at my phone and then smiled before texting back. Ashley looked at me as if I were crazy, “I don’t get you.” I looked over at her as if I hadn’t a clue what she was talking about. “One week you hate the guy, all I’ve heard from you since the first day of class is that he’s a jerk,” she said slightly lost. I nodded my head confirming that she was right and she continued, “and now you and him are dating.”

“No,” I looked up from my phone promptly, “not dating, we are texting, and he invited me to a party on Saturday, but that is it.”

“But you want to date him,” she nodded. I shook my head, no. She sighed, “then why are you, I don’t get you.”

“Ash,” I sighed, “I’ve spent the last however many years looking for perfection, that I know doesn’t exist. I’m in college and if there is ever a time to experiment with settling and cut loose a bit, it’s now.”

“That is a horrible way to look at things,” she shook her head.

“Horrible,” I questioned, “I think its genius, better we’re both disillusioned now, perfection isn't real, so you can pick personality or looks." I looked at her seriously, “I personally choose the superficial route and pick looks.”

“I’m sorry, but I refuse to be bitter and cynical,” she said and I shrugged. I went back to texting and she hit me, “did you actually do the assignment.” We were pulling into the parking lot as I took it out of my back pocket and tossed it to her. She unfolded it and looked at me as if I were crazy, “how the hell did you write five pages.”

“Ash, it’s a report about yourself,” I said getting out of her small white car and looking at her, “how do you not write a lot, I have a very exciting life, consider this condensed.”

“Of course you would say that,” we began our walk over to class and I banged my head on my desk waiting for our professor to pronounce my name Santana, despite the fact that there is no t in my name. Is it really that hard to say Sienna? It was about twenty minutes into class before my text buddy showed up and as soon as he sat down I got a text message. I turned around and rolled my eyes at his smirk and texted back, 'shut up I’m in class'. I was that rare bread who actually took notes and paid attention in class. It was the worst class ever; the only entertaining point was the focus test she made a few people do.

To say I walked out quickly would be an understatement. I booked it with Ashley not far behind and said, “damn it, I have never been so bored out of my mind in my life.”

“Sienna,” Michael caught up and threw his arm over my shoulder as I continued to walk with Ashley. I stopped and pushed it away before raising an eyebrow at him. “I was wondering if you’d like to get something to eat, maybe Chipotle?”

"What do you take me for," I crossed my arms, "a cheap date?" It wasn't that I didn't like Chipotle because I adore Chipotle, it was more or less that I just wanted to be difficult and catch him off base.

"That's uh," he started rubbing the back of his neck unsure what to say, "I uh."

I laughed, “look, I’d be happy to go, but I don’t drive.” I shrugged, “so unless you are planning on inviting my chauffer, Ashley, I’d plan on eating alone.” I walked away and Ashley followed, holding her laughter until we turned the corner. “I’ll go next time he asks,” I shrugged and she shook her head at me.

"I may not get you," she said, "but you always make me laugh."