Jimmy Sullivan Is Getting Married

Chapter Eighteen

Zacky Baker paced the corridors of the hospital, his heart in deep pain. Gena, his girlfriend, was diagnosed with endometrial cancer a month ago. Now, she lies in one of the hospital beds fighting for her life.

Unkown to them, the cancer had reached it’s fifth stage, which was critical. Zacky had found Gena on the floor unconcious when he came home. It was one of the few Saturdays that he had to spend time with his loved one. And she wasn’t well enough to be with him. He rushed her to the hospital as soon as he could. He phoned all the guys and the girls.

The others didn’t know about it until Gena was warded. The couple has decided that this was supposed to be between them and they didn’t want the others to worry. Gena didn’t want anyone to worry about her. She felt that the guys had given her as much love and support and she couldn’t have let them down by telling them that she had cancer. Tell them that she was going to die.

She didn’t know it would end up like this, no one did. Especially when she was diagnosed only a month ago. She didn’t expect it to be this fast, for her to not have more time with Zacky. It’s proven that you cannot take life for granted.

Mrs Sheridon was right, that was what ran through Zachary’s mind. He had thought back about the day he visited the gypsy. Of course he didn’t believe her at first, the only one dumb enough to believe was Brian. But now he can’t help thinking if what she had said might be coming true. The love of his life is in there, fighting for her life, fighting to breath. And here he was, nothing left to do except stand by her and support her.

Support just isn’t enough, somehow, those words just came running through his mind, telling him that he should do something, anything. But there was nothing he could do, and that was a fact.

Brian, currently beating himself up because he had brought Zacky to that fortune teller. And what she had said came true. He’s blaming himself that Gena suffers from cancer. And he will further more blame himself if she doesn’t make it, when she doesn’t make it. Of course it was his fault. If it wasn’t for him, non of this would’ve happened.

“Even if you didn’t bring Zack to Mrs Sheridon, this would’ve still happen, Brian,” Those were the words uttered to him by his girlfriend, Michelle.

It was true, in a way, but being a thick headed dick that he is, he refused to listen.

The others could not do anything further then to support Gena and Zacky. And getting Brian to take control of himself.Giving out words of encouragement were all they could utter.

“Zacky, she’s gonna be okay.”

But that assurance is never enough for reality.
♠ ♠ ♠
It kindda jumps around, I know.
But don't worry, Jimmy's right around the corner.
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