‹ Prequel: Intertwined

I Won't Give Up

When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky.

"Annabelle?" The man on my doorstep asked. I couldn't believe it, it even sounded like him. I gulped and answered him.

"Fagan?" He smiled and nodded.

"I was afraid you wouldn't remember me, Belle." He smiled at me, his eyes twinkling like the night sky.

I stared at him, taking in his appearance. He was tall, at least 6 feet tall, maybe more. He had shoulder length brown hair and intense brown eyes. His skin had a nice tan that looked like it was permanent and not at all fake. His entire aura seemed to radiate power, death and love all in one.

"What are you doing here, Fagan?" I asked him. He frowned.

"Didn't I tell you I was going to come by and visit Wes soon? I swear I told you. Maybe you forgot."

I'll be by to see him much sooner than you think.

"No, I remember, but Wes is asleep right now."

"Are you sure about that?" he said sadly.

My eyes widened and I turned around, running to Wes' bedroom. Please God, tell me he's fine. Tell me that there's nothing wrong. I ran into his room and sunk to my knees by his bedside.

"Wes?" I whispered. "Wes, baby, please wake up."

I sat there for a few minutes, watching him to see if there was any sign of life within him. His chest wasn't moving up and down. He was still. So still, as though he was frozen in time. I looked up as Fagan walked into the room, his eyes sad.

"I'm sorry, Belle, but I have to take him now."

"No! You can't – you won't. This is just a dream, a really vivid dream, and when I wake up you're going to be gone and Wes is going to be alive," my voice and body shook as I tried to breathe. "You're just a figment of my imagination! You're not real; you never were."

Fagan looked at me sadly, trying not to get mad. "You know as well as I do that's not true. We've known each other for eons; you've been my soul mate for as long as I can remember. Your soul is as old as mine. Our souls were created by Gaea, our true mother. You know that. Please, will you stop denying it? Every time you're living in a new lifetime you always deny the truth even with the help of your past memories coming to you in your dreams."

"Stop it! Can you stop playing pretend for one second? You're not a fucking Greek God, Fagan."

"Yes, I am. I can bring back your brother too."

"If you're really a God you should know the truth about Wes by now. Actually, you should have known it from the moment he was conceived but you don't know."

Fagan stared me down, his gaze more intense than ever. For several minutes, we stood frozen, staring at each other. I jumped as something wispy appeared in front of my eyes.

"Belle?" Wes' voice said, coming from the wispy shape. Slowly, but surely the form started to shape into Wes' figure. "Belle, I'm scared, what's going on?"

"It's alright, Wes. You're safe," Fagan told him, calmly, all trace of his previous anger gone. "Will you please just believe me and let me bring back your brother?" he said to me.

"I thought Gods weren't allowed to use their powers to help mortals unless it's a special occasion," I responded, watching Wes' form become more vivid and clear by the second, then watched as it continuously faded in and out.

"With you, Belle, it's always a special occasion. Besides, you and your brother aren't exactly mortal. You know that."