‹ Prequel: Intertwined

I Won't Give Up

You've come so far to be right where you are.

I sighed, realizing just how right Fagan was about everything. About me, about my brother, about us. I looked up at him and saw him watching me carefully, his eyes just as intense as before.

"Does that mean you know?"

"About your brother?" he asked and I nodded. "Yes, I always have. He's been a part of your life – our life – much longer than you can remember, Belle. Your souls are joined together like nothing else in this world, even more than ours and we're soul mates."

I nodded, finally believing him and gasped as eons worth of memories came flooding back to me. Memories upon memories from millions of different lifetimes, different eras all came to the surface of my mind. Me, Wes and Fagan during the Roman Empire. Me, Wes and Fagan in ancient Egypt despite not being Egyptian Gods. All three of us in ancient Greece on Mount Olympus. I can't believe it; he never lied to me. He was always telling me the truth.

I looked up at him, tears in my eyes. He smiled at me sadly, spreading his arms open like he had in my dream and I ran into them, seeking comfort from him.

"Belle," he whispered, "You need to say the words so I can save our son."

I nodded. "Do it, please. Save Wes, Hades." He nodded and snapped his fingers.

I watched, astonished as I always was in the past with his powers, as Wes was engulfed in a golden light and his shape became solid once again. He gained color, no longer a bruised Leukemia patient. I watched as he grew older, now 16 years old with his hair blonde and shoulder length like his father's. I smiled; Wes now looked like he was mine and Hades' son again. The light disappeared and Wes looked up at us. He smiled only a smile a demigod could manage and ran at us with his arms wide open. His arms enveloped us and as he did so, Hades spoke.

"We're a family again and we're staying this way for good."