Status: Should not be read by the weak.

Hidden Secrets

Chapter Three

The doctors, Officer Derringer, and Amanda all stared at me. Or was it at me? It was in my general direction, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the guy on the floor. I recognized him, I recognized his face but I couldn't place from where. Perhaps it was from my class, or maybe he was one of the accomplices and he was on television in the past. No, it was much more of a deeper connection than just television.
Jared's hands went around my waist, and he clung on tight. He must have realized who this man was before I even did. But then it came to me. His name was Anthony, we went to high school back together, he was also my high school boyfriend.
"Officer Derringer. Did you shoot him?" I heard the concern in my own voice. Anthony would never have come to hurt me, but Amanda would have never known who he was. Anthony was the kind of guy who just wouldn't take a break up for an answer. He constantly thought I was kidding when I was serious about breaking up with him. He probably heard about me being in the hospital from my parents, they absolutely loved him, and he was just concerned.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, he just would not listen to me when I told him he couldn't visit you. Do you know him?"
"Yes, she does. This is Anthony Ramos. He's Lydia's ex-boyfriend from high school. If you ask me, he's absolutely obsessed with her. However, he would never do anything to hurt her. Is he going to be okay?" I knew Jared didn't like Anthony, but I was honestly surprised he had any care in the world about him. Anthony was taken to the Extensive Care unit, and they followed up and told us he would be fine, and that he wanted me to visit him. I agreed. The next morning, I was packing all of my things, and was interrupted by a nurse asking me down to Extensive Care. I had known Anthony wanted to talk to me, I just didn't know why. I walked into a room, that seemed awfully too familiar. It looks just like my room in the Emergicenter.
"Hey Lydia. I really just came here to see if you were okay. Amanda told me that you were in with Jared and that you guys hadn't seen each other in months. That's when I rushed into your room. Jared moved down here months ago. I was extremely worried for your health. I thought, well, maybe he would be one of the accomplices. You don't have to take my word for it, but just watch out about it."
His words almost stung, I knew he had to be lying. "Excuse me? I think I would know if my own boyfriend had moved down to Texas. For you to think that he would be out to kill me is absolutely absurd. What in your right mind would lead you to believe that. He would never hurt me. I'm leaving now. I can't believe you would say something like that." I almost wanted to cry, but I knew that wouldn't be reasonable. Instead, I walked back up to my room in patient care, to find that Jared and Amanda had already packed all of my stuff, and the car, and that we were ready to leave. I wanted to jump up and down in joy, I was so excited to be leaving this horrid place, and leaving all of the memories here behind. However, Anthony's words were just swimming around my head, and they just wouldn't leave. Is what he said true? Could my own boyfriend be out to kill me? No, that's just stupid. There's no way he would be the one to kill me.
I checked out of my room, and the doctor wished me luck on my recoveries and made an appointment within the next week. I got into the car with Amanda and Jared. I looked at his face. There was no way that anything Anthony said was true. Jared was the love of my life, he was the person that cared the most about me, that one that I could trust with my life. There was no way that he was the one who was going to kill me. He loved me. Well, at least I thought he did.
We got back to Amanda's house within a few short minutes. Jared unpacked the car with all of my things and put them in the guest bedroom. Amanda helped me up the stairs and into the house. I didn't like all of this attention, I knew I could do things myself, but Amanda was worried, and she never let me out of her sight. Perhaps Anthony told her what he told me too.
"Hey Lydia, let's go to the kitchen and start cooking something up while Jared's upstairs packing your things." I nodded my head and followed her into the kitchen. "So, I know you talked to Anthony, he told me everything he told you. Honestly Lydia, I don't know if it's true, but it's definitely something to look out for. Jared really tensed up when Anthony showed up, and it took almost all of Officer Derringer's strength to keep him back when you went in the room to talk to him. He may know that Anthony was going to tell you what he told you, and it may be true. You should just watch your---"
"Talking about me, are you?" Jared slammed a box down on the ground, and pulled a knife out of his pocket.