Bits and Pieces

Red or White?

I sat on the edge of my proch and looked out at the sun which was setting in the west. It's usually golden rays had turned orange and red and made the sea look pink. I sighed and listened as they rolled against shore. I looked down at the two flowers laying in my lap. One was a white rose while the other was a red one. The white one had been given to me by my best friend Jack who I had known all my life while the red one had been given to me by Leo who I had only known about a month now. I exhaled knowing the chosing one of the roses would be like chosing one over the other.

"Hailey are you okay?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see my best friend Beth standing there holding to cups with steam coming out of them. I nodded and turned around focusing on the sunset. Beth slwoly walked over to me and sat down next to me. She handed me one of the steaming cups.

"The sunset is beautiful," Beth commented obviously trying to start a conversation. I just nodded and let out a deep loud sigh.

"What am I going to do Beth? How do I chose?" I asked looking over at her. She smiled a sad smile her brown eyes full of smypathy.

"Easy which one do you like more?" I shook my head.

"I love them both the same." Beth sighed and shook her head.

"Not good enough. You have to like one better. I mean," she stopped at that and looked at me. I was staring at the two roses. I felt her hand brush against my shoulder. I looked over at her.

"If you can't decide which one you like more than chose the one who will make you a better person," she said then got up and left me alone on the porch along with the sunset. I knew that she was right. I had to chose the one who was going to make me a better person, but which one of them was that one. Jack had been my best friend since pre-k. He had always been there for me when I needed him and helped me when I needed help while I had just met Leo about a month ago at a party. I smiled.

The last couple of weeks had been the best in my life. Leo was always looking for a new adventure and ready for everything. I had done so many things in the past month that I never even dreamed of. But still Jack has always been there for me.... I growled in frustration. I should never had let them meet each other now this was what it led to. Me having to chose between my best friend and the most exciting person I have ever met. I looked at the sun one more time. You could only see a tiny protion of it know as it set behind the rolling water. I thought about the time I had wanted to jump off of a cliff that was 10 meters high.

Jack and I had decided to go down to the beach and I had spyed the cliff on our way there. The minute we unpacked I had ran to it and wanted to jump off. Jack didn't want me to jump and started to tell me about all the bad things that could happen if I did. Of course all those things scared me and in the end I had decided not to jump. Know a year later I had come back with Leo and he had encouraged me to jump off. He told me that nothing bad would happen and that if I wanted to he would jump down first and wait for me in the water. He made me face my fears and defeat them. Suddenly I smiled and jumped to my feet. I looked back at the sun one last time then turned around and started to run down the road knowing that I had my answer.
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Story two is done!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!*Jumps up and down doing some kind of happy dance* Sorry that it took so long I haven't been able to get on a computer for a while. This little bti of a story will be conitued. Hope yu enjoyed it and hopefully there are more on the way!!!


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