Status: A Current Work In Progress

To Kiss Me Softly, To Kill Me Kindly

Drowning In Sorrow

He sat there in front of the couch - drunk again - as he tried to get his vision to focus. A bottle of Tequila was the only thing that kept him company as it say idly on the coffee table in front of him. He laid his head back with his mouth open as if to let out a groan of aggrivation, but nothing came out. His olive green eyes were blood shot from his alcohol fit that he was now paying for. He felt sick to his stomach, which he narrowed down to only being the alcohol's punishment - but maybe it was caused by what the alochol was meant to wash away. He looked around the empty room as if searching for someone to help him, but it was no use. Jakob and Joey had been sent to their Grandmother's house for the week and the house was vacant besides him. His head dropped down in exhaustion as his cell rang on the end table; his head shot up which made his vision blur again.
"What now?" He said in a slight slur as his hand reached for the cell then tried to focus his vision once more to see who was calling. Once he had an idea, he punched the talk button with his thumb and answered, "H-Hello?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose and tried to disguise his voice with soberity as he snuffed his nose casually. "Bill. Have you been drinking again?" The familiar voice of his friend rang through from the other end of the line, "No." He answered. It was obviously a lie. "Bill, please. I can tell." Mike said in a calm tone that had a hint of disappointment. He sighed, "So-? Why does it matter to you?" The alcohol was fueling his rage, but he didn't mean it. He sensed his friend on the other end taking a long pause, "I'm - I'm sorry, Mike. I just don't know any other way." He confessed with tears escaping his eyes. It had been almost a month since Adrienne had passed away in that accident. He spent most of his days now either drinking or wishing he could have taken her place. He had been trying to be there for his sons as a single parent now, but he seemed like they were drifting away from him. The two of them spent more time at his Mother's then in their own home. "Billie." His best friend finally said, "You need to get yourself together again. I know losing Adrienne was sudden and was a huge blow, but you have to move on with life sometime." Billie felt his anger boil again, but he tried to fight it down, "I know, Mike. I know." He choked out from behind his anger. "Well, I'll let you go, Billie." Mike said to him, "Get some rest." They then both hung up simualtaniously. Billie sighed then got himself to his feet long enough to flop down on the couch in a slumber.

The next morning, Billie woke up with a hangover from hell. He was almost use to the experience now as it became a day to day routine. He got up and shuffled to the guest bathroom downstairs with a long groan and a hand on his head. He went into the bathroom and stared into the mirror at his drowsy and depressed reflection before turning on the faucet to cold water. He cupped it in his hands and splashed the water on his face. He lifted his head up with wide eyes as he looked back in the mirror; the cold water had woken him up long enough to go upstairs and take a shower. He went into the bathroom that led off from his large bedroom and shut the door. He then proceeded to strip off yesterday's wears and tossed them to the bathroom linoleum. He climbed into the shower then turned on the water in one swift motion. The water ran over his tattooed arms and chest as he lathered his body in soap. The hot water served as a comfort to his tired body as he rinsed off the soap. He ran his hands through his soaked raven locks as he reached to get the shampoo; he spurted a coin-sized amount of shampoo into his hand then washed his hair. He rinsed out the shampoo from his hair then turned off the water; throwing back the curtain of the shower afterwards. His body was dripping wet as he reached for the towel to dry. He heard the phone ring downstairs and he sighed with irritation. He wrapped the towel around his waist and climbed out as he trekked downstairs in a huff. He picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?" His hair was a mess and was already starting to dry into waves and curls in their length. "Billie. It's Mike. I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with Tre and I to a new bar and grill tonight." Mike's voice rang out on the phone. "Sure. I guess." Billie answered his friend with a slightly puzzled look. "Awesome." Mike said, "I'll see you tonight, Bill." he then hung up and Billie hung up a few seconds after. He went back upstairs to finish getting dressed and getting his hair right to it's usual punk look. He smiled softly at his reflection in the mirror then turned to go out of the bathroom. He thought about tonight and just how exactly it would go.
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Enjoy This First Chapter! ;3