Dial Tone.


"Is this Izzy?"

"Yeah, of course it is. I can't talk right now, B."

"Don't hang up. I saw your Facebook status, and I'm worried about you. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

"Izzy, don't lie to me. Please. Christ, Iz, you basically wrote a suicide note. You swore. You swore you would call me before you did anything stupid. We made a promise, you and me made a promise."

"You and I."


"I'm not going to do anything stupid, B. Go to sleep, it's two in the morning."

"No. Not until I know I'll see you tomorrow. Don't do it."

"There's nothing I wanna do. I'm just upset, that's all."

"Is it your mom again? Because you know that's temporary. You'll be outta there in September when you go off to college. Six more months. You can do it."

"Six more months is an awfully long time, Brandon."

"Not compared to the eighty years you'd be living otherwise. It's nothing."

"Not to be cliché, but that's kind of easy for someone like you to say. Your parents love you. You're not so scared to go home that you act out in class specifically so they'll give you detention and keep you away for an extra hour every day.You're not failing all of your classes because you have too much to handle even without your homework. You don't."

"No, I don't, but...Christ, Iz. It's not like she beats you. Shit, no, don't cry because I said that. Izzy. Iz, really. That's not what I meant. I know things are hard. But they could be worse."

"They could be better, too."

"Swallowing a bottle of Advil isn't gonna make things better. It's gonna make things...nothing."


"That's not something to be comforted by! Izzy. Don't think like that. Please don't."

"What does it matter? The world's overpopulated anyway. Nobody's going to miss me."

"Don't give me that bullshit. You've never bought into that whiny teenage angst crap before. Why now?"

"I'm miserable, B. I don't want to be here anymore. That's as simple as it gets."

"Iz, don't sound so calm about it. You're so calm, and it's scaring me. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. We'll figure something out, okay? You can come and stay with my family, or...Iz? Izzy, are you there? Izzy!"

"I love you, Brandon. You're m'best friend."

"Why are you slurring? Izzy. Izzy, promise me you won't do anything. Promise me you'll be here tomorrow."

"...I can't, B. I can't do that."

"Christ, Iz, why not? Just tell me you won't kill yourself."

"Brandon. I killed myself fifteen minutes ago."

"Izzy. Christ. Izzy."

"...B? Are y'still there?"

"Always. Go try to throw up what you took. I'm going to call a paramedic."

"I'm sleepy, B. I can't talk right now. I told you."

"Don't sleep. Izzy, don't sleep. I have the house phone in my other hand, I'm calling an ambulance. Okay? And when I hang up, I'm on my way over to you. Give me ten minutes, Izzy. Stay with me for ten minutes. I need an ambulance for 76 Grove-"

"Brandon... don't call a paramedic … Brandon?"

"Yeah, I'm still with you, Iz. She's slurring, ma'am, I don't know how much longer-"

"B. B, I love you."

"Thank you ma'am - Izzy. Izzy, don't give up on me now. Don't drop the phone - Iz, talk to me. I'm on my way over. Izzy, say something. Iz. Isabelle. Please say something. I can't - you're not even breathing, I can't hear you breathe. Izzy.

Isabelle. I love you. I'm downstairs, okay? I'm hanging up, but I'll be right there. Oh, God- Iz, get up. Let me help you up, c'mere. You're so cold. What did you do? Oh, God. I'm- don't worry, I'll...I can fix this. Hold on. I'll call for help. I'm calling for help. Hi, I just called for an ambulance for Grove street. She's not breathing. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to help, she's just lying there, I don't...

She's not breathing. She's just not breathing."