Status: Discontinued.

If I Leave.

Long Healing Process.

“You’re a-a what?” He asked incredulously looking at me with some disgust, I looked down and looked back to him again.
“I’m half-vampire, when I was 8 I was bitten by a strange man who confronted my grandmother and I at her house. “

He glared at me, “You’re a leech?”
“No, Paul. I’m still Mason, I’m just half of it. I don’t drink blood.”

“Have you before?”
“What?” I asked softly grabbing his hand before he basically ripped his hand out of mine, he glared at me before standing away from me after shouting, “Have you drank blood?!”

“Yes, when I was first bitten. It was hard for me to keep going without it, I had to but now I can survive without it, Paul. I’m still the same..” I started walk towards him, he pushed me back as I went to embrace him.

“No, you are one of them. You drank blood from an animal, we’re supposed to protect the animals, from people like you. All you do is kill.” He said coldly, his eyes were dark and full of anger.

“What did you want me to do, Paul?! Did you want me to drink it from a human? I could’ve died if I didn’t.”

“Maybe you should’ve.” He said before I gasped at what he said, I can’t believe what just came out of his mouth. I felt a twinge of hurt before getting angry, I felt everything go black before swinging at Paul’s face and I felt my fist hit his jaw. He fell to the sandy ground.

I shifted into my wolf form as he did, I growled at him and jumped towards him as he did the same towards me. I clawed him as he bit into my mane, I yelped before biting into his shoulder. He yelped louldly before I started growling loudly.

He charged at me and knocked me over before biting me, he bit one of my legs; I yelped out again before biting him in the underbelly. He yelped quietly before falling down onto his side, I started limping away before he charged at me and knocked me down before biting me again. I yelped so loud, it could probably be heard from a mile away. I fell onto my side limply as I watched Paul run off, after a few minutes; I started limping home.

I stayed in my wolf form as the bite that Paul left started bleeding, I yelped quietly as I walked when I was about 10 minutes from the house; I finally collapsed from being in pain.
“Mason!” I heard someone yell my name before running to me, I blinked and realized I had shifted back. Looking at the person calling my name, it was Embry and Seth.

“How many fingers am I holding up?” Embry said loudly, I couldn’t tell if it was four or two fingers. I laid my head back onto the ground and succumbed to the pain as I closed my eyes and went out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Is she going to be okay, Dr. Cullen?” I heard a voice whipser as I stirred in my bed, there was a long pain down my legs and a slight pain in my shoulder.

“She’ll have to be careful, Emily. Whatever happened, her achilles tendon on both legs were injured very bad, she lost a lot of blood and walking around on them like she did; she should have been dead. She’s very lucky to be alive.” I heard Dr. Cullen’s voice, I rubbed my eyes before opening them.

I was still in my room, Embry, Seth, Quil and Emily were sitting around my bed; Dr. Cullen was standing next to my bed. “Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?”

“Like trash after it’s been crushed up.” I replied sitting up, everyone started to come forward to try and help me before I swatted them away.
“Mason, you are very lucky to be alive.” Dr. Cullen stated as the silence had gotten a sad, thick feeling to it.

“Like I just told Emily and the boys, whatever happened, you are lucky to be alive. Your achilles tendons were practically sliced but they didn’t hit any large blood vessels. But walking on them like you did, you should have died. You need to be careful for a few weeks, maybe longer. I don’t know how you did it, but you survived.” He explained with a sharpness to his voice, he was obviously angered by my injuries.

“Mase, what happened?” Seth asked softly, as he put his hand on mine. I sighed and looked at everyone in the room. “I told Paul, that’s what happened.”

Embry got a twinge of anger in his eyes, “And he did that?!”
“I started the whole fight, Em. I punched him.”

“It doesn’t matter! He hurt you.”
“Embry is right, Mason. Paul knows the rules, it was wrong and he is going to be talked to.” Sam interrupted coming into my room, he had sympathy on his face. I could tell he felt bad for me and what had happened, I’m sure that Sam meant that he is going either yell or kick Paul’s ass or both.

“What did you tell Paul?” Seth questioned out loud, he looked confused; poor Seth, I had never told anyone but Sam, Emily and Embry. “She was bitten and is a half vampire, Seth. And Paul overreacted.”

“I don’t see how that is a big deal.” Seth snorted loudly,
“It’s because when I first got bitten, I had to drink blood or I would die from malnourishment. I drank it from a deer and I didn’t want to drink from a human so I chose a animal. I know the rules and rights of a shape-shifter but I had to.” I replied darkly,

“Well, if it is no trouble, Sam, Emily; I would like to request that I could move Mason to my house for a few weeks so I can keep a close eye on her as well as my family. I’m thinking that the little bit of vampire venom in her had to do with her not dying. It is difficult to explain, but if we are not careful and take careful measures, something horrible can happen.” Dr. Cullen cut in, as everyone looked towards him.

“I’m not so sure-” Emily started as Sam cut her off, “I think that’d be best.”
We all looked to Sam, he had a hard poker face on; I could tell that he didn’t want to but I understood why he agreed. If I’m at risk then he isn’t keeping to my grandparents’ word and also, to keep me and Paul far away from each other.

“Excellent, I will go notify Esme` and move her in on Wednesday. Just to give her some time to rest and such.” Dr. Cullen said walking out of the room, Emily glared at Sam.

“Why did you agree for her to stay with the Cullens?”
“Because I think it is best for right now, if something happens then we are not keeping to her gradparents’ word and I think that she needs to be far away from Paul. He is off the edge of being him, we need to speak with him.”

“You’re leaving..” Embry and Quil said alittle sad, I chuckled; even though it hurt.
“Only for a couple weeks, and I’m sure if you guys could stand to, you can come visit me.”

Right after saying that, Jake and Kayla walked in holding hands with Leah not far behind them.
“What happened?”

“Paul.” Sam answered to Jake, as if he already knew; Jake nodded and Kayla came rushing to my side. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m peachy. Just peachy, almost and could’ve died but peachy.”

Kayla looked at me, then at Jake; “Is she one too?”
He nodded and her tense figure had relaxed, “So I take it, you told her?”

Jake nodded again and I chuckled again before inhaling sharply at the pain.
“Here, Dr. Cullen gave us these pills for your pain. You can take one now and take a nap then I’ll bring you dinner.” Emily said handing me a bottle of pills, I nodded as she shooed everyone out of the room but Embry.

When she shut my door, I pulled my blankets back and started to push my legs towards the side of my bed so I could stand up; “You’re supposed to rest, Mase.”

“Do I care? I just want to walk,” I said rolling my eyes as I pushed myself up as I stood, I had sharp stabbing pains in my achilles tendons. I moved my leg forward to walk like a baby deer tries to after it is first born. All it took was for me to put my foot down before I yelped out in pain and fell to the ground. Embry helped me up and sat me in my bed as I groaned in pain and in aggravation. If I hate one thing, it’s to not be able to walk around.

“This is going to be a long, and hard healing process.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of drama filled, and kind of long.

Yepp, show some love.
Enjoy it, <3