You're My Kryptonite

Happy Go Lucky.

I woke up to the sound of Trinity leaving.

"Not so fast, Trin," I said, trying to get up without waking Harry up.

"Damn. I thought I could sneak out and avoid the whole 'mom' lecture. Can you save it for after I get rid of this massive hangover?" Trinity asked, sighing.

"Well, I guess so. Do you have a ride home?"

"Tyler's outside waiting for me. Thank you for getting me last night. I had no idea I was that drunk..." She said, opening the door.

"Well I'm pretty sure you feel it now. Go home and get some rest. I love you," I said, hugging her, then sending her on her way.

I heard some moving around on the couch, Harry stretching out completely on the couch. I went to my room and took the sheets off my bed, considering they had the stench of expensive whiskey and other alcohol on them, and I switched them out with the fresh ones I kept in my closet. I put my other sheets in the hamper to wash later on in the day. I went into the living room to see Harry peacefully asleep. I walked over towards him. I didn't have the heart to wake him up.

"Harry, dear," I said, shaking him lightly.

"Mm, yes?" He said, his morning voice grumbly and deep.

"Do you want to go change in pajamas and you can sleep in my bed?" I asked him, he nodded his head and got up and took his jeans off and took his shirt off, then walked back to my room. I put on a pair of pink plaid pajama pants and put on a simple white tank top. I walked over to Harry's clothes and folded them, then set them on the table. I went back to my room to see the Zombie-Harry already under the covers asleep. I walked to the other side of the bed, took my slippers off and joined him. As soon as I laid down, his arm went around my side, pulling me closer to him. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his steady breathing slow, pulling me into a deep slumber.

I woke up several hours later to Harry watching me sleep. He smirked and kissed my forehead, making me want to stay curled up in my bed for the rest of the day.

"So, Adelaide..."

"You can call me Addie, if you'd like," I said, smiling - still half asleep.

"Addie, would you like to meet the guys tonight? You don't have to dress up or anything, I just wanna show you off," He said, smiling.

"Well, the funny part of this situation is that I'm not exactly yours yet," I said, smirking and causing him to chuckle.

"Ouch," He said, his breath tickling my forehead.

"As for now, can we sleep a little more?" I asked, still half-asleep.

"Sure thing, love," He said, tightening his grip around me. We both fell asleep again.

We woke up for real around 1 P.M. Harry went to his room to shower and get ready, and I got ready in my apartment. I took a shower, then instantly put my hair in a french braid on my left side, leading to a bun on the other side of my head. I then applied light make up. I got dressed in my cream flowy bird top and American Eagle dark wash jeggings. I got my fox ring and put it on my finger, then put in my squiggle heart gold earrings, followed by my leather bracelets with different "Live, Love, Laugh" phrases on them, then completed my outfit with my white gold feather necklace. I painted my nails a nude color just to make them match and not look too awkward. I put on my brown flats and went to look in the mirror. I didn't look like much, but it would have to be good enough for Harry.

I heard a knock on my door and went to open it. Harry stood on the other side, smiling like a fool.

" look beautiful," He said, taking my hand and spinning me in a circle.

"Why thank you, you look rather handsome yourself," I said, smiling at him. I walked into my kitchen and got my medicine out of the cabinet.

"What are those?" He asked, puzzled.

"Oh, sorry. Normally I take these earlier on in the morning...They're anxiety pills...ever since my last boyfriend in 11th grade, I've had really bad anxiety attacks. They're nothing, I just have to take the pills to prevent them," I said, grabbing a water bottle and taking my dose. I put the medicine back in the cabinet and shut the door. I smiled at Harry. He smiled back at me and laced our fingers.

"Ready to go meet the guys?" He said, smiling at me.

"Yeah!" I said, smiling up at him.

We went across the hall and knocked on the door. The door opened and Harry walked through, me following right behind him. I had a death grip on his hand. I'm not used to meeting new people (I'm really surprised I took to Harry so quickly). After Bryan I got nervous in big groups of people. There were 4 other boys in the room, as well as one older man.

The older man, I was able to recognize as Simon Cowell. It was really strange seeing him, because he's famous and all. I couldn't help but get confused. Why was Simon Cowell in Harry and his band mate's room? The boys are very hard to describe. They're really something else.
The first guy I met, Liam, is a little taller than Harry with brown side swept hair. He had really pretty eyes, as well. He also had a British accent. The second boy was about the same height Harry and had brownish/black hair. His name was Zayn. He also had a British accent. The third boy was the only blond one in the bunch. He was a little shorter than Harry, with a baby-like face. He had an Irish accent. The last boy was a couple inches shorter than Harry with brown side swept hair. His name was Louis. After meeting the boys, it was easier for me to relax.

We talked about everything. Simon asked me questions about how long I have lived in the area, what my favorite things to do in Boston are, and questions of the such. The boys were all joking around, making fun of Harry. They told me about their band and how they played their first sold out show in Boston the night before, which explained why Harry was able to sleep in so late. They were staying in Boston for a couple of months while Simon worked on tour dates and the such. They needed a break from being busy, as well. The boys enlightened me about tour life and told me crazy stories about Harry being naked on planes with only a sheet to cover him, them walking in on him naked in his room, him being naked on the tour bus...I took note that he must enjoy letting loose and being naked. I chuckled. I learned about Harry's nickname, Hazza.

It was nearing the end of the night, and Harry wanted to spend the night with me again, so he changed into pajamas to suit Simon and walked with me to my apartment. I went to my room and put on a pair of pig boxer shorts and a black tank top. Harry walked in after I was done and took his shirt off and took his pajama pants off.

"You must really hate clothes," I said, climbing into my bed.

"Yeah, I really don't like sleeping in pants and shirts..." He said, laying down beside me.

"You wanna order pizza and watch more Disney movies?" He said, after a long pause.

"Sure thing," I said, as I picked up my phone and dialed the number for Pizza Hut. In 30 minutes we were eating and watching The Little Mermaid. After the movie was over and we finished eating, we went back to my room and watched movies on my TV in my room until we fell asleep again, our arms and legs in a tangled mess. We both fell asleep with smiles on our faces. The last thing he said to me before drifting off into a deep sleep was :

"I like you a lot Addie," and with each syllable his breath tickled my skin.

He kissed my forehead, and drifted to sleep.
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