Status: As I am writing this as I go I will occasionally add stuff out of the blue, I try to write about it in previous chapters so an ocassional read from atleast 2 chapters behind where you are will help if something appears from nowhere :D

Ally's Chapter

She got you high....

remember the look in her eye, as she said "MEH!" she knew that she had reinforced the fact shes is a kid, I said as much and sped off. I think I like her, but shes a kid! Even if I was human she's still too young for me, never mind 160 years too late.

How could she be related to Katherine, Katherine... Snap out of it! She is nothing like Katherine thank the fates.

I look at the clock she had walked off home about fifteen minutes ago now. I run and go to catch up as the road isn't save in the dark. I catch up as a car pulls up and she jumps in I hear her laughing about how last time he (Anders) kissed her she nearly died. I get angry, I was going to talk to her. I punch the tree next to me making an owl roost style dent.

I walk slowly to the grill clearing my mind. I walk in taking a deep breath this is the first time I feel that I would love being a ripper. The whole bar is happy. I walk to my normal seat, Matt hands me my drinks.
I sigh into my drink and as I down it, I hear Ally's laugh. I cough for a second as I see her at a table with Anders holding hands. I then notice Mr Strand is pulling up a chair apologising to Anders about needing to talk to Ally, he nods and walks off to the toilet.

Ally's laugh echos in the bar again. I tune in to the conversation.

"... Ally, I know you are able to talk about paradise lost but I'm teaching Victor Hugo..." Strand says and Ally interrupts.

"Have a care of the manner in which you turn towards the dead. Think not of that which perishes. Gaze steadily. You will perceive the living light of your well-beloved dead in the depths of heaven." She smiles as she quotes from Les Miserables.

"Ha. Ha." Strand's laugh is a spoken one, "You will do fine, see you tomorrow."

She turns and catches my eye and smiles. Anders returns and I stop listening. Mr Strand sits next to me on my empty seat.

"Damon. I heard you asked to transfer to my class, unfortunately my class is full." He smirks, "My new TA, is brilliant hopefully she will be here next term when you apply again." He smirks again, "Unless she is ill prepared to with me." he then walks off.

He didn't mean work. He knows she is friends with Stefan, I grab his shoulder and turn him, about to hit him when Ally jumps in the middle. She gives me a look of complete disgust.

He walks out. She storms back to her table red faced. I leave and set off to Elena's.