Status: As I am writing this as I go I will occasionally add stuff out of the blue, I try to write about it in previous chapters so an ocassional read from atleast 2 chapters behind where you are will help if something appears from nowhere :D

Ally's Chapter


The room was white.
With dark paneling.
Dusty with spiderwebs.
A large cream bed spread covered a double bed in the middle of the room.
There was a window seat, the windows were elder in style.
I hear Stefan and Damon, arguing, running and suddenly the door flings open.

"What are you doing in the attic room!" Damon asks lost.
"I don't know," I held my necklace still as my voice stuttered between octaves.

The room is silent, until a Nokia text tone sounded, Stefan whipped out his phone.
I was still holding my necklace, I look at it for the first time since The Mother gave me it, It was a pebble of clear resin holding a small sprig of what it think is a blue lavender/heather.

"What is that?" Stefan asked noticing me holding it up to the light shining in through the windows, He goes to grab it, as his hand envelopes the pebble, he suddenly drops it, His hand with draws fast, it burnt his hand, my necklace burnt his hand.

I step back in shock, as Elena bursts in. She comes to me and envelopes me in a long hug. As she hugs me, Stefan pulls her off me and urgently looks her up and down, no burns, the pebble hadn't touched her skin. She is looking his hand over as he whispers in her ear that it was the necklace, suddenly she becomes feral.

Near enough growling at me she asks, "Where did you get the necklace!"

I step backwards again and trip backwards over a trunk I hadn't yet noticed, before I can crack my head on the wooden floor, Damon catches me, for more deceptive seconds I am lying looking into his eyes, then I brake eye contact remembering the 'Compelling' nature of these men!

Damon, as if he knows what I'm thinking places me on my feet and steps back.

"Stefan, Elena. The necklace is verbena. The Person or Witch who created it didn't know that only fresh or dried could protect against Compulsion. They did though place a spell on it that will give the person teleportation of a hundred yards." He says matter of factually.

"How do you know this Damon!" Elena shouts thinking he knows more.

"Because Elena, when Ally lifted it up to the light the shadow of the flowers made an ancient symbol for Move" He says.

"What!" I scream "JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I am getting tired of everyone's crap. They look at me lost. "Witches! Why not your all VAMPIRES!" I am getting angry and suddenly the necklace starts to glow and my mind goes hazy, I feel like I did when I had my fit at the home, The Mother's favorite herbologist had made me the necklace to stop these.

"What's happening Stefan!" Says Elena scared.

Damon grabs hold of me as I feel the flying sensation again. I feel the fit end and I 'wake' terrified.
I keep my eyes closed as I feel Damon still hugging me. I don't want to open my eyes and it be a memory and for me to be all alone again.

"Ally, why are we here?" I hear Damon ask and I breath he is here. I open my eyes. I look around and We are on the top of a building in the center of a town. I can see a sign glowing across the green below, MYSTIC GRILL.

I don't know. I take this piece of 'rock' of from my neck and I throw it down on the roof. I start to cry. What is going on!

"Ally it's okay." Here he hands me a sleeve to wipe my eyes on. "Ally this is MYSTIC FALLS," He says and I nod. "Ally, you moved at-least 4 miles this time."

"I did?" I ask and Damon nods. Suddenly his arms are wrapped around me and we are moving again, this making no sense as the necklace was on the roof.

We land in an alleyway. "What happened" I asked panicked.
"Ally it is fine, I moved us." He looked left and right dragging me towards the green where a young man about 17 was standing looking up, scratching his head.

"Matt?!" Damon says as the Matt guy rolls his eyes at me and groans under his voice.

"DAMON! NOT HERE! NOT HER" he groans, "Damon, Rev Emerson is at the grill, he says he saw someone on the roof and is scared they will jump.

The town being so small, and probably a haven awash with gossip, it was proven when the patrons of the MYSTIC GRILL started to funnel out looking at the building I was stood on mere-minutes ago. Damon groans. He gives my hand to Matt and says "She isn't food! I will explain later, keep her safe." the last bit sounded like an unspoken threat.

And with that he was gone!
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, Thank you. I've never had people this eager for me to write :D
If you find any problems in the storyline let me know. Thank you again for reading.

@ChaceCrawfordFan25 and @AlisonTimeLow