I'm Gonna Die Before I Fold.

And through all those times I never walked away.

Hands linked tightly together, Sean and Ian walked back to the Infirmary. Occasionally, one would squeeze the other's hand in reassurance, causing smiles for both parties.

Ian pushed open the door, fingers still linked tightly around Sean's. Sat in one of the seats was Jocko, laughing at something someone had said. As Ian and Sean walked in, Jocko looked up, and immediately, the smile was wiped from his face. Lee noticed and rolled his eyes. He couldn't see what Jocko's problem with Ian was, or why he held such a grudge. He didn't want his close friend arguing, but he could see it now, by the way Jocko looked at Ian, it was inevitable.

"Where've you been?" Jocko snarled quietly in Ian's general direction.

"None of your fucking business." Ian surprised even himself with his own comeback, his voice short and sharp.

"Well, you claim to be his bestfriend, so you should be here."

"I'm here now." Ian said after talking a deep breathing, trying to calm himself a little. He sat on the edge of Lee's bed, his back to Jocko. Now was not to be bitching at each other. Sean frowned at Ian, realising he had no where to sit. Ian rolled his eyes dramatically and pulled Sean onto his lap.

Lee glanced at Mike, who had began stifling his laughter with the back of his hand. Lee reached over and held his hand out for a high-five, receiving it instantly. Lee burst out laughing and Mike joined in, causing Lee to almost fall out of the bed. Nurse Withers bustled past, taking a prepped needle in the direction of Gustav and Aled.

"Lee, I know I said I'd keep you here, but if you're feeling that much better, you can go back to lessons now." She said with a quiet laugh.

"No, I'm cool staying here."

Lee giggled quietly, smiling at Nurse Withers across the room. Gustav squirmed slightly, as he saw the needle, sitting up in the chair. Aled sighed quietly, squeezing Gustav’s hand tighter. "Trust you to be allergic to the iron tablets." he muttered.

Ian raised an eyebrow at Lee, who shrugged. "What can I say? It was almost predictable." Lee smirked and winked dramatically.

"Oh, yeah? Did I tell you what Evangelique said about you earlier, when I went to get an excusion slip from her?" Lee's face drained of it's colour. It was Ian's turn to smirk. He grinned and Lee bit his lip slightly, playing with hands. "So, where's the others?" Ian said, looking back and fore between Mike and Lee. Mike shrugged.

"James was here, but he got called back to lessons. Gareth and Gavin didn't come with us in the first place, so I'd imagine they've told the boys. And Jocko was here, then he wasn't, and now he's back." Mike shrugged again, leaning back in his chair.

"Ah. Hypocrite." Ian murmured quietly to himself.

"What was that?" Jocko said bluntly. Ian turned slightly to look at him.

"Nothing." He gave Jocko the worst faked smile ever and turned back around, wrapping his arms around Sean's middle tighter.

"Alright Watkins, that's it. Get up."

"Jocko.." Mike said, frowning. "Don't start, not now." Jocko blanked him, rising from his seat. Ian scoffed, sliding Sean off his lap slightly. Sean caught hold of his wrist and whispered into his ear.

"Please be careful." Ian smiled and snaked his wrist out of Sean's grip.

As soon as Ian turned to face Jocko, rather than waiting until they wre out of the room, Jocko's closed fist came in forceful contact with Ian's nose. Ian staggered backwards, taking off guard with this sudden attack. "What the fuck is your problem with me?!" Ian shouted, holding his hand to his throbbing nose. A small trickle of blood leaked through his fingers, a fast flow building up.

"You take everything for granted! You have everything I didn't!" Jocko shouted back. And he regretted it almost instantly, his face fell.

"What are you talking about?" Ian stuttered, wiping at his nose with his sleeve.

"You.. You have everything I didn't. A great start in a new school, instant friendships with people who actually like you," Jocko sat back down in his seat. He had changed in an instant, in less than a second, from aggressive to submissive.

"When I first started out here, I didn't know anyone. I've been here for almost a year and a half now, and somedays, I still doubt if anyone actually likes me."

"Jocko, don't be stu-"

"Mike, just shut up." He said quickly, cutting him off. "I know you all sometimes doubt it. You all think I'm over-the-top and a bit snide. I can't help it, I let my emotions get the better of me sometimes. But I'm not a monster, y'know? When I first came here, I was timid, scared of talking to people. I used to spend any free time here under the trees, behind Block 3, challenging myself to mimic the talent of anyone who walked past me.. And one day, James, Gareth, and Stuart walked by. And I saw them laughing and joking, and well, I wanted to be a part of that. I'd got by for a few weeks with no friends what-so-ever, and then when I saw them like that, I was jealous. I wanted in on the jokes. I started talking to Gareth and James in Languages, and I thought at first we were getting along just fine." Lee frowned, folding his arms across his chest as he listened.

"But then, and I'm not saying a bad thing against any of them, but I guess I just wormed my way into a place where I wasn't wanted as much as I thought I was. I stopped bothering them for a bit, going back to being on my own. Okay, so now, they're my closest friends. But that's not what I'm saying, when I first came here, nobody liked me! And when you turned up, everyone loved you with in less than a few hours." Jocko looked away, clearing his through. His normally pale skin was flushed slightly, and there was a faint sadness in his eyes. Mike and Lee looked shocked at this revelation, and Ian was frowning.

"Jocko, I don't.." Ian didn't know what to say. He thought Jocko was the class clown of the group, he was so well, likeable. It hadn't crossed Ian's mind that Jocko was.. Jealous of him. Jealous of his instant acceptance into the group. "Wait, then why doesn't James like me?"

Mike laughed, breaking the tension in the room. "James hates everyone, it's seriously, no biggie."

"Ahh.." Ian walked over to Jocko, who looked up at him. Ian held his hand out. "Truce? A clean slate?" Jocko looked at Ian's blood-stained, outstretched hand. He paused, then shook on it. A truce. A smile flooded both Sean's and Lee's faces.

Mike laughed again. "Sorry, I keep laughing, but I'm finding this too funny. So, are we all okay now? Has everyone got everything out of their systems?" Ian and Jocko glanced at each other then nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so Ian, Sean, Lee, Gavin and Mike are in one year, then Jocko, James, Gareth, Stuart, Jamie, Rhys, Matthew are in the year above. But they all hang together yeah.

Okay, so somewhere in the near future I plan to write some smut/slash, and I wont tell you what pairing or anything, but I'd really like it if you give me reasons to actually write it, because I don't normally write smut/slash, but I think this fic neeeeeeeeds it.

Okay, cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers.

(omg i say okay lots)