Status: Continuing

And Your Bird Can Sing


You smack you're hand and click your alarm off. 6:30 am. Ugh, you think to yourself. You rub your eyes as you stumble out of bed and head to your bathroom. Taking a quick shower, you think about your plans for today.
You have to help Georgie and Maybel get to school and then you have to head to The Cavern for practice before your show at 3. Today was going to be a long day since it was Friday. Every Friday you had to play for 5 hours with a 10 minute break every half hour.
Getting out of the shower, you get dressed in a blue shirt that is a little tight but completely ok for a night club and a short skirt that goes to your mid-thigh since your not allowed to wear anythingelse to the club.You head down to the kitchen to make some eggs for Georgie and Maybel.
After about 5 minutes you hear their pounding footsteps on the floor. They always woke up to the scent of your special eggs.
"Mornin' mama Caddy." said Georgie.
"Mornin' sweetie. Breakfast is almost ready, Maybel get some cups out and pour the milk, please."
"Alright, Caddy."
You all finish your breakfast and the kids run off to get ready for school. As they get ready you gather all of your things so you can head over to The Cavern after you walk the kids to school.
10 minutes later, you'realone. You just dropped Georgie and Maybel off at the school and you were making your way down Main Street. You were carrying a bag on your shoulders, a purse, some music booklets and your guitar trying to fix the zipper so you didn't see the man walking out of the store right in front of you.

You slam backwards on your butt scraping your hand in the process. Everything you had in your hands falls to the pavement, and now your bum is finally starting to relize that it should be in pain.

"Oh, shit!!" you exclaim.

"I'm so sorry love! Here let me help you." said the man.

You can barely understand him with his thick accent so you scramble up and try to collect your things along with him. You both are muttering about how you should've been looking, that you were sorry, hope you didn't cause any problems, that kinda thing. But you both stopped talking when you looked into the others eyes. You had never seen such a beautiful mixture of green and brown in your entire life.